destroy any enemy your in-flight computer is targetting by pressing
Alt-Del. Alt-Ins qill destroy all enemies that are on your radar
Another extract from the manual:
In addition to standard turret-mounted weapons, the turrets
in the Broadsword and Sabre are equipped with a new device - a
tractor beam.
First, maneuver next to the target and match speeds with
it. Access the rear turret as described above [ F4 key ] and
press the G key to change from your active weapon to the tractor
beam. Line the target up in the crosshairs and press the fire
button. As long as you keep the target centered in the
crosshairs, it will be pulled closer and closer to your ship. If
the target moves too far from the center, it is lost and the
beam shuts off.
Once the item has been pulled close enough to the ship, an
animated sequence is triggered, showing the retrieval of the
item. You then return automatically to the front viewscreen and
control of the ship returns to you.
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