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Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : Текущая : full


Anointed Flail 2-7 Knock Out
Armor Piercer 9-16 +2 Critical
Awl Pike 3-8
Axe of Many Runes 4-14 -8 Cursed Regen -1
Barbed Arrow 7-12 +1 Critical
Baselard 1-6
Bipennis 4-14
Bite Dagger 2-6
Blade Cuisinart 6-18 +2 Critical
Blades of Aesir 2-24 +2 Critical Knock Out
Iceball 5/max
Blunder Buss 2-48 Critical
Broadsword +1 5-12 +1
Bullet Stone 1-4 Knock Out
Bushido Blade 4-16 +2 Critical
Cane of Corpus 12-42 +4 Paralysis Poison Critical
Special Power ??? Cursed
Cat'o Nine Tail 6-18 +2
Cobaltine Powerglove 8-32 +2 Critical Paralysis
Crusader's 2h axe+1 6-18 +1
Death Star 7-15 +1 Poison Critical
Diamond Eyes 7-16 +2 Paralysis Special Power ???
Dragon Slayer 6-15 +1
Estoc of Olivia 6-18 +3 Critical Special Power ???
Excaliber 8-36 +4 Stone Critical Regen +1
Lightning 6/max
Faerie Stick 1-4 Sleep
Fang 10-24 +2 Critical Special Power ???
Fauchard 1-12
Faust Halberd 6-18 +2 Cursed Regen -3 Critical
Paralysis Lifesteal 3/max
Feather Darts 1-5
Frontier Phaser 3-30 Critical
Katana 2-7 +1
Haunting Staff 3-7 +1 Spooks 3/max
Hayai Bo 4-9 +2 Knock Out
Holy Basher 5-12 +1 Knock Out
Hunter Quarrel 7-16 +1 Critical
Hv. Crossbow 0-0
Lance 1-12 -2
Light Sword 5-40 +6 Critical
Lightning Bolt 10-30 +4 Critical
Long Bow 0-0
Longstem Spade 4-7
Maenad's Lance 2-24 +3 Regen +1 Critical
Special Power ???
Maiden Head 1-16 +2 Knock Out Charm 5/max
Muramasa Blade 7-25 +4 Critical Special Power ???
Musket 1-24 Critical
Mystery Ray 0-0
Naginata 1-12
Ninjato 2-8 +1 Critical
No-Dachi 2-14 Critical
Notched Shaft 1-3
Nunchaka 3-9 +1 Knock Out
Pandora's Wand 3-7 +1 Sleep Paralysis Poison Stone
Stamina Critical Dazzling Lights 4/5
Peacemaker 12-42 +3 Critical
Poison Dagger 3-7 Poison Cursed
Poison Dart 4-8 Poison
Powder & Shot void (ammo for Musket)
Quarrel 3-9 Critical
Quarter Staff 1-5
Rammbus Staff 6-12 +2 Cursed Regen -1 Knock Out
Lightning 5/max
Raven's Bill 6-18 +2 Critical Poison Regen -1 Cursed
Rod of Sprites 4-16 +2 Stone
Sai 2-10 +1 Critical
Saint Sword 7-13 +2 Knock Out
Seige Arbalest 0-0 +4 Critical
Shock Rod 2-7 Stamina
Short Bow 0-0 -3
Shrike Arrow 4-7 +3 Critical
Shuriken 2-7 Critical
Sling 0-0
Spear 1-6
Spear +2 4-14
Spear of Death 5-9 +1 Poison Critical
Staff of Blessing 1-8 +1 Knock Out Bless 3/3
Staff of Charming 1-8 +1 Knock Out Charm 4/5
Staff pro Paralysis 2-5 Paralysis
Stave of 12 Stars 6-12 +1 Cursed Sleep Magic Food 6/max
Special Power ???
Stun Rod 5-12 Stamina Paralysis
Sword of Fire 2-16 +2 Fireball 4/max
Sword of Four Winds 8-20 +2 Stamina Asphyxiation 6/4 Cursed
Special Power: increases HP (4 charges)
Sword of Hearts 5-12 +2 Critical
Ta-Li Stone 4-12 Knock Out Paralysis
The Avenger 7-28 +3 Critical Lightning 5/max
Thieves Dagger 3-12 +2 Cursed Poison Critical
Special Power ???
Vorpal Blade 4-14 +1 Poison
Vulcan Hammer 7-16 +2 Knock Out Fireball 5/max
Wakizashi 1-6
Wakizashi +1 2-10 +1 Critical
Walriblade 3-9
Willow Arrow 3-7 Critical
Winterwand 3-7 +1 Paralysis Iceball 4/5
Wrist Rocket 0-0 +3 Knock Out
YMMU's Paw 5-8 +1 Stone Cursed
Zatoichi Bo 9-24 +4 Paralysis Knock Out Critical
Special Power ???
Blinding Flash 6/max
Zizka Star 2-10 Knock Out

2) Armors
Amulet of Airs 10% Air Purify Air 4/5
Amulet of Illusions Illusions 4/3
Amulet of Stillness 10% Paralysis Paralyze 5/6
Amulet Pro Magic 30% Magic Magic Screen 4/4
Ankh of Dexterity Special Power: +1 Dexterity
Ankh of Might Special Power: +1 Strength
Ankh of Sanctity Special Power: +1 Piety
Ankh of Youth Special Power: -1 Year
Armet void
Aromatic Salts 20% Paralysis
Bag of Death Cursed Regen-2 Death Cloud 4/3
Bag of Tricks Dazzling Lights 3/4
Bascinet void
Bascinet & Camail void
Bat Necklace 50% Light
Black Gown of Death 90% Magic Regen -3 Cursed
Bracers of Defense 10% Missile 10% Death
Brimstone Nuggets 20% Fire
Bronze Greaves void
Burgonet Helm void
Buskins void
Cameo Locket 30% Death Regen +1 Special Power ???
Cap of Viles 10% Psionic Cursed
Chain Chausses void
Chain Hosen void
Chain Mail +1 (L) 10% Fire 10% Cold
Chain Mail +1 (U) 10% Fire 10% Cold
Chamail Pants +2 20% Paralysis 20% Poison
Coif of Divinemail 10% Lifesteal 10% Death Cursed Regen +1
Special Power ???
Copper Gloves void
Cross of Protection 20% Lifeforce 10% Paralysis
Crusader Helm 10% Lifeforce
Deadman's Hair 20% Hypnosis
Death Shroud Cursed Regen -1
Deathmail Cursed Regen -1
Diamond Ring 30% Magic Regen +1
Special Power: Adds hit points to maximum
Displacer Cloak Blink 2/max
Do-Maru (U) void
Dragon's Teeth 30% Magic
Ebony Heaume 30% Fire 30% Cold
Ebony Plate (L) 30% Fire 30% Cold
Ebony Plate (U) 30% Fire 30% Cold
Filcher's Band Special Power: Legerdemain +5
Flak Jacket void
Flak Vest void
Fur Leggings void
Garland & Rosis 50% Lifeforce Regen +1
Special Power: Total Heal
Gem of Power Special Power: Gives POWER STRIKE skill
Goat Foot Boots Special Power: Climbing +5
Golden Medallion 40% Fire
Gossamer Gown (U) 10% Hypnosis 10% Psionic
Gown (L) of Divinemail 10% Lifesteal 10% Death Cursed Regen +1
Special Power ???
Gown (U) of Divinemail 20% Lifesteal 20% Death Cursed Regen +1
Special Power ???
Heater Shield void
Heaume void
Hi-Kane-Do (L) 30% Fire
Hi-Kane-Do (U) 30% Fire
Jazeraint Tunic void
Ju-Ju Stones 30% Lifeforce
Leather Cuirass void
Leather Greaves void
Leather Leggings void
Leather Hauberk void
Leather Helm void
Light Shield 90% Fire 90% Cold
Lion's Claws 30% Missiles
Magnetic Boots Cursed
Mail Coif void
Mail Mittens void
Manta Roots 20% Air
Mantis Boots Special Power ???
Mantis Gloves Special Power ???
Midnight Cloak void
Mitre void
Necromantic Helm Cursed 50% Light 50% Hypnosis
Ninja Grab (L) void
Ninja Grab (U) void
Ninja Cowl void
Oliveskin Leggins Cursed
PK Crystal 50% Psionic Regen +1 Psionic Blast 4/max
Plate Mail (L) void
Plate Mail (U) void
Plate Mail +2 (L) 20% Fire 20% Cold
Plate Mail +3 (L) 30% Fire 30% Cold
Plate Mail +3 (U) 30% Fire 30% Cold
Quilt Tunic void
Ring of Invisibility 20% Missiles 10% Death Cursed
Invisibility 6/40
Ring of Resounding Shrill Sound 3/7
Ring of Truth 10% Psionic Sane Mind 5/5
Robes (L) void
Robes (U) void
Robes +1 (L) void
Robes +1 (U) void
Robes of Enchant (L) void
Robes of Enchant (U) void
Rock Crystal 20% Psionic
Round Shield void
Scarab Necklace 20% Hypnosis 20% Psionic Cursed
Speical Power: +1 Intelligence
Stone of New Life 50% Lifeforce
Special Power: +1 Vitality (?) -1 Year (?)
Stud Chausses void
Studded Hauberk void
Tarnished Mail void
Tosei-Do (L) void
Tosei-Do (U) void
Manta Root 20% Air
Midnight Cloak void
Round Shield void
Sandals void
Scarab Necklace 20% Psionic 20% Hypnosis Cursed
Special Power ???
Shadow Cloak void
Shield of Soaring Cursed
Silken Gloves Cursed
Silver Cross void
Silver Gloves void
Skull Bones 20% Poison
Skullcap void
Solleret void
Stud-Cuir Bra void
Stud-Cuir Skirt void
Tabi Boots void
Valentine Necklace 10% Death Special Power ???
Wizard's Cone 10% Magic

3) Music instruments (charges are always 0/max; '0' means that the effect of
the instrument is proportionnal to the Music skill, with infinit charges)
Chromatic Lyre Itching Skin
Horn of Prometheus Fireball
Lute of Sloth Slow
Lyre of Cakes Healthfull
Poet's Lute Sleep
Siren's Wail Confusion
Tomb of Demons Conjuration

4) Potions
Acid Bomb Acid Bomb 4/1
Cure Disease Cure Disease 6/1
Cure Lt. Cnd Cure Lesser Cnd 6/1
Cure Paralyz Cure Paralysis 6/1
Cure Poison Cure Poison 6/1
Fire Bomb Firestorm 4/1
Holy Water Holy Water 3/1
Hv. Heal Heal Wounds 2/1
Hv. Stamina Stamina 6/1
Invisible Potion Invisibility 3/1
Lt. Heal Heal Wounds 1/1
Mod. Heal Heal Wounds 3/1
Mod. Stamina Stamina 3/1
Poison Bomb Poison Gas 4/1
Resurrect Resurrection 6/1
Stink Bomb Noxious Fumes 3/1
Superman Superman 4/1

5) Scrolls
Blink Blink 3/1
Confusion Confusion 3/1
Dispel Undead Dispel Undead 2/1
Enchanted Blade Enchanted Blade 3/1
Fireball Fireball 4/1
Haste Haste 3/1
Healfull Healthfull 4/1
Hold Monster Hold Monster 3/1
Illusion Illusion 4/1
Locate Person Locate Person 5/1
Magic Missile Magic Missile 2/1
Resurrect Resurrect 6/1
Slow Slow 2/1
Wizard Eye Wizard Eye 3/1
Zap Undead Zap Undead 4/1

6) Foods & Drinks
Bottle of Old Jake's Magicfood 4/3
Bread Rolls Helpfood 2/1
Bunch of Bananas Helpfood 3/1
Golden Apples Magicfood 1/1

7) Books
Book of Airs Air Pocket 6/3
Book of Barriers Missile Shield 6/3
Book of Detection Detect Secret 6/3
Book of Direction Direction 6/3
Book of Icewalls Ice Shield 6/3
Book of Knocks Knock-Knock 6/3
Book of Levitation Levitate 6/3

8) Thrown wands and sticks
Rocket Stix Magic Missile 4/1 Dmg 5-40
Sparkle Stix Energy Blast 1/1 Dmg 1-8

9) Dusts & Powders
Bone Dust Weaken 3/1
Faerie Dust Sleep 3/1
Powder of Creation Create Life 4/1
Snake Dust Poison Gas 1/1

10) Various
Mana Stone Magicfood 6/2
Thermal Pineapple Nuclear Blast 6/1 *Item needed in Nyctalinth*
*Recharge before use*

compiled by Joel Margot (c) 1993
(R) Wizardry is a registered trademark of Sir-tech Software, Inc.

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