FOR PC MACHINES: All codes must be typed at the main menu screens. If it doesn't work, try typing slower -- for some reason NFS II can't handle very fast keyboard input.
armytruck Army truck (Mercedes Unimog)
bus School bus
bmw BMW 5-series
bug Volkswagen Beetle
commanche Commanche pick-up truck
jeepyj Jeep YJ
landcruiser Toyota Landcruiser
mercedes Mercedes Benz convertible
miata Mazda Miata (MX-5)
quattro Audi Quattro sedan
semi Truck cab
snowtruck Snow truck (Mercedes Unimog)
vanagon Volkswagen Combi van
volvo Volvo station wagon
vwfb Volkswagen Type-3
drive29 Monolithic Studios tourbus
drive30 Limousine
drive31 Citroen 2CV
drive32 School bus
drive33 School bus
drive34 School bus
drive35 Crate (yellow)
drive36 Wheelbarrow
drive37 Outhouse
drive38 Tyrannosaurus Rex
drive39 Wagon
drive40 Green souvenir stand
drive41 Blue souvenir stand
drive42 Red souvenir stand
drive43 Wooden log
drive44 Crate (grey)
drive45 Monorail
drive46 Hover cop car
drive47 UFO
drive48 Hover sewage truck
drive49 Crate (ice)
drive50 Crate (ice)
pioneer Upgrades all cars to pioneer engines.
Makes them go faster and handle better.
redracer Gives you the Ford Indigo bonus car.
hollywood Gives you the Monolithic Studios bonus track.
slip Enables super slip 'n' slid mode. Makes the cars skid more than
usual. Cooks some awesome doughnuts!
Night mode
To enable night mode (headlights not included), hold down the "n" key on your keyboard while the course is loading. So, when you hit "Race", a loading screen will appear. Hold "n" until the loading screen disappears.
Total Psycho mode 1) Start a race with computer opponents. At the start of the race, accelerate forward until you get to about 45mph (70 km/h).
2) Stop and reverse. Before you get to the chequered start line, slam on the handbrake, and keep it depressed. You must press it before the 10 second mark, and keep it depressed. 3) At this point all of the AI cars will turn around, and attack you (you will see them instantly turn around on the map).
4) This lasts until the end of the race, and must be re-activated for all future races. Invisible walls
1) This cheat works only with Mediterranneo and Mystic Peaks. Start the race, and then find a smackable object, such as a crate or souvenir stand.
2) Reverse into it at 40mph (65 km/h) or more, with your horn blaring. This will enable the cheat mode.
3) Drive off any side barrier at 100mph (160 km/h) or more, and you'll go flying! You will be placed back on the track shortly after.