If you would like to use these cheats then you sadly have
to use the DOS version but that doesn't really matter.To
activate the cheats you must go to the single player
selection screen or network player selection screen and
type the desired cheat followed by pressing return, and
you must make sure that there are no spaces and that you
can't see what you are typing. You will hear a beep if the
cheats are entered successfully. Then once you enter the
game press C and a + sign should appear beside the date,
that tell you that the cheats are acitvated.
Finnally here are the cheats:
speed471 Allows the game to be sped up in network play
worker902 Allows you to buy worker's whenever you want
gangster822 Allows you to convert workers into
gangster whenever you want
weapons473 Allows you to buy any weapon for the gangster
tenents127 Allows you to select any tenant at any time
fences673 Allows you to build any fence whenever you want
loans039 Allows you to borrow any amount of money
from the bank
estates131 Allows you to buy any estate with out limits
houses738 Allows you to select any house at anytime
build909 Allows CNTRL when placing houses to build
actions674 Allows you to use all undesirable actions on
easy level
gadgets337 Allows you to build every gadget
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