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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 10 Текущая : 6

Use more or less anything with the GRINDER to get rid of it, specifically all of the evidence against Kent. This will allow the player to go on a slightly different fork in the plot.
Get rid of the prisoner by getting to grips with the ZOOMTOOB. Put the prisoner in a capsule. Down calls the capsule; red opens the door; put prisoner in capsule; up sends capsule away.
The scientist will ask you to go up to the processing floor and get a new subject.
go back down to the lobby in the lift.
Talk to the receptionist.
Turn the fountain on by treading on the suspect slab behind the pillar. Talk to receptionist from slab. The receptionist will then go to the loo.
Examine the code he has left lying on his desk, use it on the other lift (the one you haven't used yet). Code 1312
At the processing floor, talk to the Norm there and get him to leave.
Press the red button or wait, a secret door will now open.
This is the mood filter chamber.
Look around, examine things, the door will seal behind you. Examine Saul (at end of room), he dissapears. Examine screen, they reappear.
To open the door examine Saul.
Unfortunately at this point Paul and a couple of his cronies appear. He will deliver one of two speeches, leading to one of two plot branches.
If you destroyed the evidence then Paul will be gob smacked by your (He thinks you are a norm) incompetence. He will sentence you to a stint in the cells. This bit is a little bit complicated.
Break the bench in the first cell by Using it. This reveals a transmitter.
Pick up the splint of the bench.
Wait to get sucked into the mood filter.
Examine the sign that Saul is holding up
Wait to get sucked down into the next cell.
Break the bench in here by using it.
Pick up the 2x4 piece of bench from here.
Pick up the scrap of cloth from the floor orifice
Use the eating utensils in the Food mat to prise the transmitter from it's housing in the broken bench.
Wait to get sucked down into the mood filter.
Examine Saul's sign.
Wait to get sucked down into the third and final cell.
Break the bench in here using the 2X4 picked up in a previous cell (if you didn't get it you will have to go around again).
This leathering breaks the transmitter here. It is no longer any use. You must find another working one from somewhere.
Write a note to Saul on the scrap of cloth. Use the gravy for ink.
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