Nightmare Creatures Level 1: Find The Workshop As you begin your quest, you need to stock up on power-ups early on to deal with the menagerie of monsters faced later in the game. Turn round as you walk out into the street and go back through the door behind you. This leads to some crates that need to be smashed to stock up on health. Once you enter the street proper, you encounter one zombie: use a couple of Up + Square moves to slice this fool in twain. When you have been left to your own devices, you can do a smash and grab on the shop front to your left and collect the power-ups there. Then turn right and destroy the crates in the doorway opposite and kill the zombie behind them to equip yourself with more goodies. When you have got your fill of items, head down the street towards the gate to get your mission underway. As you approach the gate a werewolf will leap out at you from the doorway to the right, so have your finger poised over the guard button. The werewolves attack swiftly, so hammering the attack button doesn't usually work - you can either leap out of the way and go into a combo when they are off balance or keep blocking and striking with a few opportune kicks. After this lupine deviant has been put in Rolf's animal hospital you can head into the cellar he was guarding and kick in the zombie down there to get to the switch that opens the gate. Once you have flicked the switch, a wolf enters the cellar via a secret passage, so you have to deal with him before you can search this chamber thoroughly for the many items that are concealed within. Another zombie and a werewolf block your path into the gardens when the gates are open. Quickly slice the zombie in two before you engage the werewolf in some serious hand-to-hand action. Shoot the barrel in front of the garden entrance to blast the door off its hinges and enter this most eerie of environments to do battle with the undead. Destroy any zombies you encounter quickly so that you are able to deal with the more troublesome werewolves without fear of being surrounded as you head through the garden Check out the building in the middle for power-ups before heading up the steps at the far end. See those statues in the middle of the stairs? Yes, the ones that are flying towards you shooting fireballs: you need to get them on the same level as you to be able to strike them, as they usually float around out of reach. At the far left of the stairs by the river is a secret area containing several health power-ups. To reach it, leap onto the ledge above the river and follow it round until you get to a tunnel. When you have searched the gardens enough, take the steps downward by the second set of stone gargoyles to reach the lair of one of Adam Crowley's 'associates' and receive the first of many cryptic clues. Level 2: Search For The Meeting Place Turn around and smash the crate behind you to get a health power-up, then smash your way through the wooden picket fence in front of you. You are confronted by one of Crowley's four-armed creations: these are quite slow so a combination of kicks and punches should send him back to the netherworld with a minimum of hassle. Head up the steps to the right and flick the switch there to raise the portcullis that leads into town. As you walk through the gate, another four-armed bloke leaps out of the shadows and attempts to tear you apart. Use the same method as before to kick him into the gutter before smashing open the crates at the far end of the section to get some health orbs. Kill the zombie that is lurking in the archway to the right and walk over to the wooden gates and batter them open. Smash the crates in front of you to get some health, then turn left and head for the bush in the corner. You can hack down the bush to reveal another secret area containing an extra life and the repeater. When you have collected all the power-ups, return to the main street and continue on your way. As you head towards the next picket fence, a huge blue monster will storm through it: make sure you block all his attacks, as one hit from this can halve your energy bar. The blue monster is quite slow so as soon as it gets close go straight into a combo or hit him with a few jabs and you can kill him quite easily. As you reach the end of the street you come to a dead end. As you are pondering what to do next, two zombies smash their way in through the walls to the left. When they rush forward to attack, leap back and cut them in two with your power move. After they have been dispatched, make a search of their bodies and you should find a health pack. Go through the newly formed archways and follow the road until you reach a stack of crates. Approach the crates cautiously as a four-armed creature is about to appear and chuck them at you. Once the crates have been toppled, you can rush in and kill the abomination before it has a chance to attack. After you have stepped over his smouldering corpse you are faced with walking under a couple of low bridges. This may not sound formidable but as soon as you cross under a bridge you'll be showered with masonry (looks like someone should get onto the council). You can run through it quite safely, but once you are out the other side you'll be attacked by another blue creature so be on your guard.
You get another choice of routes when you come to the end of the present alleyway. Take the right turn and head towards the crates to get to another secret section. When you have battered the zombie guarding the crates, you can search this area at your leisure. In the far corner of this section is another bush which can be destroyed to get to a second secret area containing a four-armed monster, a repeater, and some explosives. Kill the four-armed creature to replenish your blue bar and collect the marvellous weapons of destruction before you head back to the main road. As soon as you get back onto the main road, the wall to your right caves in and a huge blue monster storms out. He's soon joined by a zombie and a four-armed dude so now would be a good time to use the repeater. When you have terminated these adversaries, the way to the end of the level is nearly in sight. Head for the pile of crates at the end of the street and smash the red one to get a pistol then proceed up the stairs. Across from you is a four-armed creature: take aim with the pistol and put a shot in the crates in front of it to clear a path to the bridge. The monster then surges forward to attack you, at which point you should wrap your weapon round his head and cross the rickety bridge. Flick the first switch you find and batter your way through the grate and quickly run past the blue monster to head for the secret area opposite -- if you don't go fast enough the entrance will collapse, leaving you to fight the blue monster. After you have collected all you can, return to the road and continue round the pathway, defeating all the monsters that cross your path. You'll spot Crowley's 'associate' in the distance: he will begin to run, but don't bother chasing after him. The evil git will blow up the bridges as he crosses them, leaving you stranded. As it is impossible to catch him at this early stage, you may as well take your time when jumping the gaps to avoid wasting a precious life. When you have crossed over all the bridges, you can follow Crowley's associate into the meeting place to face the ultimate adversary Level 3: The Four-Headed Fire-Breather As you approach the mysterious hole in the centre of the room, a four-headed monster breaks through from the sewer below and you must bear arms to deal with this horror from the underworld. Stay on the move at all costs: the ability to breath fire in four directions is the creature's main defence. To kill this monstrosity you must destroy the wooden pillars surrounding it. This can be accomplished by a singled well-aimed blow with your weapon. Every time a pillar falls onto the pit, the monster will be stunned; so if you manage to continuously drop pillars, the reptilian scum won't be able to attack you before you have crushed him under several hundredweight worth of B&Q joists. Level 4: Sewer Chase Turn to your left when you have dropped through the manhole and collect the red health orb to replace the energy that the darned snake took off, then begin your journey down the tunnel. The first creature you encounter is a blend of half lizard, half insect. It moves a lot faster than the previous creatures so be sure to use the guard button liberally as you wait for an opening to attack. When this disturbing adversary has been destroyed, go forward slowly until the tunnel caves in. To get past the crates behind the rubble, you need to push the cart with the barrel of gunpowder and stand well back to blast a path through. As you approach the next section of tunnel, a blue monster will punch its way through the wall to get to you. He'll attack from the left so lay a few mines down before you pass by his hiding place, then when he runs out he'll die violently. You begin to get the feeling that the tunnel is not entirely safe as the collapsing begins to occur frequently. Don't worry about this for the moment as there is another insect creature in the following antechamber for you to contend with. Further down the tunnel another blue creature lies in wait. Use the same tactic as before to erase his sorry ass, then check out his hiding place to pick up a pistol and a gold orb. The end of the tunnel is guarded by another insect monster. Once he is dogmeat you get a choice of directions. You can either head for the exit or go the other way - this is a dead end so you are better of proceeding to the exit. A big blue monster will crash through the wall at the side when you start to walk to the exit, so be ready with those mines. Grab the power-ups he leaves when you drop him and head on down the tunnel. You're again faced with a choice of routes: one of these is also barricaded so you need to take the right turn to get to the exit. This route takes you into a massive chamber with a huge mutant squid in the centre. Kill the insect creature to the left and smash the crate there to get a pistol. As the squid comes towards you, fire your pistol in its general direction and you should set off the wagonload of explosives behind him. The demise of the squid leaves a massive hole in the ground: to cross this deadly drop you need to jump over at the far right side. On the left of this section is a massive room of crates: be sure to search the room thoroughly and pick up all the health there for later in the level. When you have had your fill and are ready to continue, head round the corner to the pile of crates there. They cannot be destroyed but they make a handy vantage point from which to chuck mines at the approaching blue monster. When you have gingerly stepped over his remains, take the left passageway and walk along until you get to a dead end. Collect the orb from on top of the nearest crate and retrace your steps and continue along the opposite passageway. Things start to get tough here as two enhanced blue creatures plough through the walls to the right. These blue creatures can take twice as much punishment as normal ones but thankfully are just as slow so a few good kick combos will see them off in no time. Go through the opening left by the creatures' passage and smash down the wall at the left side. Follow the passage round and take the first left turn. If you take the other turn you'll circle back round and waste valuable time; there are a few power-ups hidden round there but they aren't worth the effort. Eventually you come to another dead end. Kill the blue monster there and collect the items by the crates before taking the previous left turn. Two insect blokes are waiting to ambush you here so be ready to pull your pistol. When you have cleared the room of nasties, walk over to the right and take a look out of the window to get an excellent view of London. Take the first exit you find and make your way down the tunnel, but be wary of ambush as there are insect dudes lurking round each corner. When you get to the open sewage channel, your leaping skills will be put to good use as you attempt to cross the effluent whilst being attacked by a squid monster from hell. If you have a pistol you can just shoot the explosives that are conveniently placed around the squid monster to stop his tentacle-lashing antics. Once you have got past him, make your way across the wood to the antechamber containing the blue monster. Defeat the monster and hit the switch to raise the gate in the chamber at the far end of the sewage channel. Now you have to cross the rafts and head over to where you destroyed the squid creature. Keep following the rafts round until you get to another squid thing. Kill it, then cross the logs over to the far shore. The way ahead is easy now as all you have to do is follow the tunnel round, killing the insect creatures as you go, until you hear a gunshot which will signify the end of this arduous level. Level 5: The Pub Crawl Check out the crates behind you to equip yourself with some health, then go into the courtyard and clear it of zombies. There are two ways to proceed to the docks from here. The first involves making a leap across the ruined bridge; the second is to walk right up the steps and take a running jump off the ramp there into a secret area. In the latter you must kill the zombie that is wandering aimlessly around and collect the torches from off the top of the crates behind him. A blue monster will crash through the boxes to the right and attack, but eliminating his slow-moving bulk shouldn't be a problem. Once he is defeated, flick the switch on the right of the portcullis to raise it and gain access to the docks. Pull your pistol immediately and waste the squid creature that is lurking in the blackened waters of the Thames, then check out the crates to the right of you to get some more health. Run forward into the loading yard and jump back quickly to avoid the blue monster that jumps down from the top of the building. After you have killed it, smash the crates in front of you and collect the dynamite before proceeding up the steps. Yet another squid monster is waiting in the water to lash out at you, so be sure to put one straight between his eyes or run past very swiftly, whichever you prefer. As you start to ascend the steps in front of you, be ready on the sidestep button as those neatly stacked barrels are about to come rolling down the steps towards you courtesy of the blue monster hiding there. When you have recovered your wits, give it a good kicking, then run round the corner and smash in the door. The roof of the warehouse you enter is rather unstable so be on the lookout for falling planks. There is only one blue monster to kill here so you won't have to stay for very long anyway. Be careful as you leave, though: the pillars near the door are just waiting to collapse. Turn right as you re-enter the docklands and smash the crates to get some more health. When you walk along the ramp you'll immediately be set upon by two flying harpies. These take only a few hits to kill and they cannot block, but their fast attacks can be tricky to dodge. When you have defeated them both, go down the ramp and kill the zombie wandering about, then cross to the other side of the yard and smash the crate there to get more health. Return to the dockside once again and walk round until you meet a blue monster. Kill him and the harpy that backs him up and continue along. You should come to a ship at anchor. Board it using the gangplank and prepare yourself for a four-on-one duel. First to feel your wrath is a blue monster that attacks as soon as you get on deck. He is swiftly joined by two zombies and a second blue monster that crashes through the aft deck. The torches that you picked up earlier come in handy here so put them to good use to stay alive. When the ship has been cleared, run to the aft where the blue monster broke through and climb down the stairs. On the left there should be a stack of power-ups for you to collect. When you have these, go the stern of the boat and walk along the plank at the end, being careful to dodge the hook on a chain that is swinging there. Down below, you should be able to see a bit of the dock. Turn so that you are facing the dock and make a jump for it. If you land safely you'll be richly rewarded with an extra life and a meaty weapon upgrade. Luverly! After admiring your finds, use you new weapon to destroy the crates in front of you so that you can get onto the dock proper. Return to where the ship is moored and continue past it. Cross through the gate to the right and defeat the blue monster there. Run through the next gate and kill the blue monster guarding the switch, then use it to raise the portcullis in front of you. Enter the portcullis and you're faced with a gap that must be jumped. The thing is, there are three deadly pendulums that must be dodged while doing so. Don't be intimidated by the pendulums - simply wait until there is a gap between them and take a jump through. If you have managed to stay alive, go behind the mesh screen to your left and flick the switch there: the door in front of you opens and a blue monster rushes out. Defeat it and the other one in the next room, then make your way back out to the mean streets of London. Two more blue monsters have to be defeated, then all you have to get through is the second pendulum trap and you'll finally reach the pub in time for a swift half. Level 6: Samuel's Tomb Walking through a graveyard at the dead of night in a monster-infested city is not the sanest thing in the world to do, but do it you must to find the tomb of Samuel Pepys. Snow is falling amongst the tombstones as you tackle the first of three werewolves in the corridor of crypts that you pass through. The second werewolf leaps from a crypt to your left, but he usually leaps the wrong way and doesn't pose much of a threat. The third werewolf guards a tomb entrance: take him out and head into the darkness to find a secret area. Open the coffins carefully, as lurking inside are three members of the undead and a werewolf. Kill them all so that you can search the coffins for goodies. In one of them you'll find a new lightning weapon. Return to the main graveyard once again and smash your way through the gates, decapitating the zombie on the other side for good measure. Climb the stairs and deal with the werewolf at the top before turning to your right and breaking into the main graveyard. Collect the repeater from the crates on the left, then walk across the graveyard towards the sounds of howling. Kill the wolf and move carefully across the snowy ground that looks a bit too empty. "This is too empty" will probably be your last words as that a******e Crowley emerges from the shadows and tries to finish you with a hand bomb. You have to move like lightning to avoid his attack, otherwise you'll lose a life. When Crowley has scarpered, stay on the path and cross the graveyard as quickly as you can. A few zombies will rise from their graves to attack you, but they shouldn't pose much of a threat. When you come to the end of the graveyard, there are two gates you can go through, but first you must destroy the harpy creature that tries to get you in the back as you leave. Take the gate on the left first as this leads you to a crypt containing an extra life and a torch weapon, but you must defeat the werewolf and zombie guards before you can get your hands on the power-ups concealed in the coffins. The right gate leads to the second graveyard. More zombies will step from their graves to prevent your progress: save the undertaker the job and bury them. After these two clowns have gone the way of all flesh, a harpy enters the fight. Dispatch her with a few quick swipes of your staff and turn right to get to the third graveyard. The third graveyard is surprisingly short. All you have to contend with is one harpy before you enter the grounds of the chapel. As you enter the grounds of the chapel, watch out for falling statues. There is also a werewolf skulking round the corner and a zombie staggering about in the centre to contend with. As you walk round the U-shaped courtyard, werewolves crash out of the windows of the church Resident Evil style, so stay on guard or they'll surround you and rip you to shreds. There are three wolves in total that attack from the windows, so if you try to lure them out one at a time you should be safe. Slice in half the second zombie that appears by the exit as a parting gesture as you leave this hallowed ground and make you merry way to the next part of the chapel. Another werewolf/zombie duet must be faced before you can go over to the barrel and collect the pistol from the crate. Dispose of the barrel with a pistol shot, then make your way through the ruins of the gate to the underworld below. After passing through the roots of ancient tress, you're attacked by a harpy, zombie, and werewolf in quick succession. When they are dead you can check out the coffins at the sides of the room before making your way to the surface. This is the final graveyard so be prepared for anything, or maybe not as I am about to tell you what is going to happen. The usual combo of zombie/harpy/werewolf overtly try and stop you reaching the tomb and by now you can probably take them out quite easily. As you approach the tomb, a werewolf will leap from on top of it to maul you, so be ready on that guard button as you get near. After you have given him a sound kicking, you are free to finish the level. Level 7: The Gardens After cleverly following the trail of slime (not looking for trouble, these two) you'll leave the cemetery. The streets of London are still littered with four-armed monstrosities, so keep your combos on standby. When you have killed the creature in the courtyard, you can head out into the streets once again. Two more creatures smash their way towards you as you pass though the gate into the gardens. They're soon backed up by a third creature that's waiting at the exit to the garden. When you have made your way through the garden and round the corner, you come face to face with one of Crowley's new creations, an eight-armed spider hybrid. The spider is easier to defeat than it looks: just wade in with kicks and be ready with your weapon when it counterattacks. As you make your merry way along admiring the scenery, look to your left and you'll see a pleasant little pond containing a cute squid creature. Put a bullet in the creature, if you can spare it, then walk to the right of the pond and collect the thunderflash there. Return to the main pathway and climb the steps to face another four-armed dude. He'll roll barrels down the stairs towards you as you begin to climb, so stay to the side to avoid injury. When you step forward to attack the four-armed creature, a spider hybrid will rush towards you. Stand your ground and fight - if you move forward another creature will burst through the side and things will start to go pear-shaped. Step over the gory remains and check out the spiders' lair to your right to get a torch. Run forward along the path and you're attacked by a spider hybrid. Knock ten bells out of him and go down the second pathway to your right and smash the fence to your left so you can jump into the garden below and get the health there. Quickly return to the street and run to the last pathway and do the same to find a secret chamber containing more health and explosives. Head through the gates and tread carefully as you go through the woods: two four-armed creatures are waiting in ambush. Dispose of these and head towards the gate at the end. Another four-armed dude bars your exit. Slay him so that you can continue across the bridge. Back off and unload your pistol on the squid creature that destroys the bridge so that you can leap over the gap safely, then ignore the turning to your left and descend the steps into the square below. The square contains a spider creature and a four-armed dude. Cap 'em both and go through the gate to the left to pick up a mine, then return to the square and descend the second set of steps. You once again return to the docks for yet another confrontation with the squid creatures. They can be avoided, but there are quite a few power-ups to be gained by killing them. Turn right and head to the broken jetty: two squid creatures will rise from the waters. Shoot the creatures with the repeater or a couple of pistols and jump across the jetties to get an extra life. Return to the dockside and shoot the next two squid creatures at the second jetty. Cross this as before to collect the power-ups. From the end of this jetty you should just about see another squid creature in the distance. Execute him, then you can cross to the secret platform containing another extra life. Get yourself back to the dockside and walk to the end. A four-armed monster will lunge from around the corner, so be ready to hack his legs away with your weapon. Once you have turned the corner a spider hybrid will attack: drop him using the same tactics as before, then collect the thunderflash and run back down the dockside. When you reach the end of the docks, turn right and walk up the steps to the web-encrusted spiders' lair. The two spiders that drop from the roof above are twice the size as the ordinary ones, but the same tactics work when fighting them so they shouldn't be too hard to defeat. All you have to do to finish the level is walk through the web-encrusted iron gates and you'll find Crowley making his getaway in a rowing boat. Naturally you must put aside you Christian morals and rob a boat to give chase. Level 8: The Docks You arrive at the docks across the river just in time to be attacked by a blue monster. Move away from the docks quickly as it has a nasty habit of shoving you into the water. When it is downed you can start making you way through the narrow causeways of the dockyards. Watch out for the swinging chain as you walk over to tackle the insect creature ahead of you. It's moving quite slowly so you can just run through it. When you start to fight the insect creature, things get a bit tricky as the darned critter tries to push you into the water. You can get your own back by luring it into one of the many deadly swinging chains for a laugh. Go left at the junction and head down the gangway. A blue monster is waiting further along, in between two chains. Rush the monster and hit it with a few combos before it can recover and push you into them - ideally thunderflash could be used for this purpose. As you step in the blue monster's guts to continue on your way, a squid creature wrecks the boards ahead. You must kill it so that you can cross over the boards: if you are out of ammo you can blind it with thunderflash before wading in with your weapon. When you have crossed over, turn to your right and smash the middle window to get a razor power-up. Sprint through the swinging chains ahead and get ready to do battle with the blue creature that smashes its way through the crates. You should use a thunderflash here so that you can take the squid monster behind him to the cleaners as well. Grab a replacement thunderflash from the box next to the rapidly decomposing body of the squid before moving along the boardwalk to your next encounter. An insect creature will leap on top of you and rend you with its claws unless you can dodge out of the way before it gets through the crates ahead. Once it is defeated, smash the remaining crates and help yourself to two pistols and a torch. Go through the archway to your right and continue straight until you meet a blue monster. Head towards the crates when you have defeated him and you can pick up a weapon upgrade and some health before returning to the archway. Turn right when you reach the archway and gun down the squid creature lurking across the quay. Cross the gangplank to get back on the dock front and deal with the blue creature that comes charging towards you, then shoot the squid that rears out of the water to your left. The way ahead is blocked with indestructible crates so you'll have to turn right and head down the jetty to make your way to the gangplank on the far side. More squid creatures pop from the water at every turn, so be ready with the thunderflash and a few swift cuts. When have balanced your way across the gangplank, an insect and a blue monster will attack immediately, so sort 'em out with a torch or two so that you can live to see the end of your quest. With them out of the way, walk over to the boxes to the left and squeeze through the side. There should be a boarded-up door in front of you which should be kicked in so that you can get to the secret area. Take out the squid creature and grab the health from on top of the crates to the right. Run along the gangplank and leap the gap, dodging the chains that swing overhead in the process. When you reach solid ground, pick up the extra life from the crate, along with the pistol and the torch, then return to the entrance so that you can continue your mission. The squid monster at the end of the walkway should pose no problem as someone has conveniently left a couple of barrels of gunpowder for you to roll towards it. Wipe the remains of squid from your costume and sprint through the deadly swinging chains ahead. In the square in front of you await a blue monster and an insect dude. Clear them from your path and leave via the right passageway. You come to some crates and your way is blocked by a broken walkway. Climb on top of the boxes and smash the brown one to equip yourself with a torch, then leap across the gap. Shove the blue monster on the other side into the water with a few combos, then walk slowly over to the window ahead of you. An insect creature will fly through it: stand your ground so that you can trap it in the corner and kill it, then grab the health orb left in the window. Walk straight ahead and run past the squid to your right, then take the first turn left. Follow the walkway round, running past the squid monsters and killing the three blue monsters concealed round each corner. Upon reaching the boat, Crowley mysteriously vanishes, leaving nothing but a corpse and a cryptic clue in his wake. Level 9: The City Streets Walk into the courtyard and take the spider hybrid's legs with a few leg sweep combos, then turn right and walk up the steps. Break the window you should now be facing, then head for the gate on the far side of the courtyard and leave this place. Run past the spider creature on guard here and go through the gateway to your right. Kill the two spider hybrids there and walk down the pathway ahead. Execute the hybrid wandering about there and run to the steps. The barrels on the steps will be chucked at you as usual so don't forget to keep to the side. Destroy the barrel-chucking spider and the other hybrid behind him and carry on walking until you get to a dead end wall with barrels stacked next to it. Destroy the barrels with some dynamite or a pistol shot and stand well back. Clamber over the smoking rubble and get ready to deal with a knife-wielding cultist. Dealing with Crowley's minion is easy: simply pile on the combos so that he can't fight back and he won't stand a chance, or just back off and hack him in two. Take the left turn when you have finished him off and walk over to the three windows to the left. Two zombies and another cultist will leap out at you. Kill them in short order and scour the area for power-ups. Run back the way you came and through the broken wall until you reach the yard where you killed the two spider hybrids. Take the web-shrouded tunnel entrance on your left. There are two hybrids guarding a switch here. Defeat them and flick the switch to raise the gate near the exit. Turn left and destroy the hybrids there. Take a look around the room and you'll find an extra life along with several other power-ups. Make your way out of the tunnel and return to the main square. There are still a few hybrids hanging around so be sure to deal with them to keep your time bar high. Make your way through the square and leave by the west exit. As you journey through the deserted city streets, you'll happen upon a werewolf feasting on a horse. Hit him with a long-range attack while he has his back to you, but be ready to defend yourself against a second werewolf that crashes through the window opposite. When these lupines have been maimed beyond all recognition, search the window which the second wolf crashed through and collect the skull from its resting place, then begin walking down the street ahead of you. A knife-wielding cultist will thrust his blade at you from the shadows: sidestep quickly and go into a few sweep combos to get him off your back so that you can proceed round the next bend. Use a stick of dynamite or a pistol shot to destroy the barrels to open up the wall in this dead end and engage the spider hybrids that are guarding this area. With the hybrids out of the way you can safely smash the windows to your right and grab the power-ups there. Go round the corner and hit the switch. Now you have to do a massive run back to the central square with the two pillars adjacent to where you started: there is no need to worry, though, as there should still be a knife-man patrolling the area for you to replenish your time bar with. As you walk through the single archway at the north of the square, a hybrid trundles towards you. It is reinforced by another hybrid that jumps through the window to the right, but a couple of sweep combos should drop these arachnids, allowing you to walk through the triple archway ahead. Three creatures are on you straight away as you emerge from the archway: a hybrid, zombie, and knife-man. Use a torch to stop this these attackers in their tracks so that you can explore this web-less domain. If you take the left road all you'll find is a hybrid for you to kill; take the left path, however, and in addition to finding the way ahead you'll also discover an extra life in the shadows to the left. Smash through the fence on to the right and head into the spiders lair. The roof is a bit unstable so make your way slowly and the spider here will be crushed by falling rocks (ho, ho, ho). When you exit the spiders lair turn to your right before proceeding to the bank and leap over the fence to get a weapon upgrade, now you are ready to face the monsters waiting for you round the next bend. Two zombies and a knife-man will crash though the window to your left, when they do run forwards and attract the attention of the hybrid on the other side of the archway in front of you. When the creatures close in use a repeater or a torch to finish them off en masse. Now you can pick up an extra life from the far right window that the zombie crashed through before you approach the end of the level. All you have to do now is walk through the archway and smash open the gate to enter the bank and complete the stage. Level 10: The Trail Of Blood Before you continue your pursuit, grab the orb on the pedestal to gird you in your task, then head down the steps following the trail of blood. As you enter the peaceful-looking snow-covered streets, one of Crowley's deadly new gargoyle creations swoops in to attack. This freak can take a lot of punishment before dying, it also has an annoying knack of dodging all your attacks and running down your time gauge. Use single attacks to unbalance it before going into one of your more powerful combos or just shoot it. Another gargoyle is waiting further down the street. Get him to follow you to the very end of the street where there are two cultists on patrol, then use a torch or repeater to take out the whole bad bunch of 'em. As you stop to survey the smoking remains, break open the windows at the right of the street to equip yourself with a razor power-up. There is only one way to go now so continue down the street and keep following the trail of blood. There is nothing to find in the next cold, quiet street and your only adversary is a werewolf that jumps from the middle window on the right so continue quickly on your way to keep your blue bar high. When you reach the end of the road, turn to your left and destroy the barrel next to the gate to open a secret area containing a repeater and a health orb. Retrieve them as fast as you can as there are no creatures round here to refill your time gauge with. Continue your trek by running right to follow the trail once more. As you approach the bend you'll see an iron gate to your right: break the window next to it and grab the dynamite hidden within. As your blue bar is now perilously low, crash through the iron gates next to you to confront the werewolf there. Beware, if you move too far into the courtyard a cultist will leap from a doorway to join the fray. Eliminate them both and break the window to the left to get the ice weapon and a pistol. There is also a mine at the other end of the yard on a pillar so you might want to have that as well. Return to the main street and proceed down it and you're met by another knife-man and gargoyle. Naturally, you must test out the ice weapon on these hapless minions to see what it does. Walk round the bend in the street and break the windows on the left to find a pistol before making your way down the narrow alley opposite where you can hear the ungodly sounds of some mis-created creature. Destroy the gate at the end of the street and prepare yourself for the next challenge. You now find yourself inside a meatlocker with two werewolves to keep you company. Dodge round the carcasses and hack away at them from a distance. When you are done, collect the full energy orb from the crate at the far end, then smash your way out the other side. Walk over to the cart with the barrel of gunpowder on it and shove it into the gate opposite. Step through the smoke and walk into the warehouse on the left of the street. Two werewolves leap from the tops of the crates to attack: when you are fighting these lupines, watch your back as there is a knife-man sneaking up on you. Search the boxes the wolves pounced from to find a full health orb and another handy ice weapon to add to your arsenal. Take all of these and return to the street outside. Ignore the left turn, as it only leads to a dead end, and proceed forward to encounter the first of three enemies. If you carry on running when you meet the gargoyle, you'll encounter a werewolf and a knife man. By doing this you can once again take out the whole group by using a powerful weapon such as the ice or torch. Flee this scene of carnage and round the horseshoe bend at the end of the street, expecting trouble. The trouble arrives in the form of a gargoyle that crashes through the window above, showering you with glass. Luckily the alley is quite narrow here so you can just trap the fool in the corner and smash its face in. A knife-man is blocking the street ahead, asking to be cut in two. Oblige him, then head under the bridge and dodge the second knife-man that lunges from the window, looking for some action. Drop him and do a smash and grab on the windows surrounding you to reveal a pistol and a full health orb. Follow the street round and you'll be attacked by another werewolf. Get it to chase you until you reach a frozen pond. Two gargoyles will leap from the pond and stop you from running any further. Wait for the werewolf to catch up and use the 'heavy weapon group kill' tactics to finish them off. There are only three more enemies to kill to finish the level. To reach them you need to climb the steps. Gather them in a group when you get there and finish them off as before. If you are out of special weapons you can just run over to the blood by the gates and batter your way through them to finish the level. Level 11 - The Snow Beast Fortunately the snow beast is not as tough as the hydra boss, but it still takes a lot of killing. To defeat the beast you have to hurl dynamite to blow up the six barrels located next to it. The snow beast, however, is determined to bring an end to your monster-slaying antics with its deadly accurate snowball throwing. If struck by a snowball you'll be knocked to the floor and lose a wedge of energy, and as you try to stand the Snow beast will mercilessly knock you back to the floor before you can react. You need to time your attacks on the snow beast with care to avoid an icy demise. The first six balls it throws home in you so keep sidestepping and you should avoid them with little trouble. After this initial attack, the beast will roll two snowballs down the centre of the isle. Use this opportunity to sidestep to the edge of the hall and unleash a stick of TNT at the barrels, then resume sidestepping to avoid the next six homing balls it throws at you before you can attack again. If you run out of TNT or are desperately low on health, you can collect some from the podiums at the side of the hall. The items reappear after a while so you won't run out, but be sure not to try to pick anything up while the beast is throwing those homing snowballs at you, because it will hurt. Level 12: Regent Canal More narrow gangplanks and deadly waterways await you as you continue your pursuit of Crowley. You start the level facing some crates. Turn round and walk to the gangplank, plug the squid there, and grab the health orb that lies on the podium to your right. Cautiously step forward and leap the barrels that come rolling down the steps at you, followed by a blue monster. Defeat the monster, walk up the steps, and take the turn left at the top. Walk down the dock and you will be approached by a rat creature. This freak isn't even as tough as a werewolf so don't spare it a thought as you cut it down. Proceed to the window at the far end and get ready to block as a blue monster smashes through the wall next to you. With the blue monster out of the way, you can explore the cave from which it emerged. Turn left as you walk inside and follow the passage round to find a job lot of goodies. Behind them is a grate that prevents access to the extra life: you need to hit a lever later in the level before you can return here and help yourself to it. Your time bar should now be dangerously low so run back to the place where you killed the first blue monster. Keep heading up the street and you'll be waylaid by two rat men that crash through the wall to your left. Kill them both to replenish your time bar, then head through the gap which they emerged from. Defeat the blue monster at the end of the corner, then continue left round the steps. There's another blue monster lurking in an alcove on the right: tear his blue hide to shreds and pick up the health orb behind him. As you approach the next large room a solitary rat creature attempts to strike you down. Repay his bravery with a few swift blows to the head and take the left-hand bend to flick the first lever. Now you have to do a mega run back to where you started the level. Once there, go to the bottom of the steps and face the canal. You should be able to see a concrete outcrop. Leap across to it and follow the passage round to acquire the extra life you saw earlier. Return to the edge of the canal and walk along until you reach the first jetty. Lurking at the end of it is a squid monster: cap it, then leap across the gap to get to the other side of the canal. Kill the blue monster and the two rat men that are concealed by the crates, then smash the crates open to kit yourself out with some TNT. Walk right down the docks and kill the squid monster that attacks you from the canal. You'll soon reach a dead end with some unmarked barrels next to it: shoot them to open up a secret area guarded by a rat man. After you have severed its head from its body, a whole room of goodies awaits to be plundered. When you've had your fill, take a walk up the docks to search for Crowley once more. You are approached by a rat man as you enter the second half of the dock. It'll try to lure you into an ambush as there's a blue monster hiding behind the wall to the right. Lay some mines down before you advance and you should be able to take care of these two goons with ease. Further down the docks you'll find some lines of very poorly washed clothes. Two rat men drop from the bridge just up ahead to attack. Dispense with these annoyances and smash the two marked crates behind them to gain a health orb. When you reach the narrow walkway, chuck a mine onto it and entice the blue monster behind the iron gate towards you: it'll come a cropper on the mine, leaving the way clear for you to dash forward and hit the lever. The lever drains the water away, allowing you to cross the empty canal to reach the exit. First you'll have to deal with the blue monster ahead. The poor fool is surrounded by barrels so a well-placed gunshot will cook him up nicely: don't attempt to take him hand-to-hand as you'll more than likely set off the barrels and lose a life. There are many items hidden within the crates surrounding the blue monster's decaying corpse: collect them quickly and give the rat man scuttling about in the background a sound beating. Go down the small passageway next to the white steps and head into the empty canal bed. Pass through the drainage tunnel and run over to the steps at the far end. Don't worry if your time bar is running low as a big blue dobba is about to leap from the top of the wall to crush your skull. Remove his intestines with your weapon and walk up the stairs. Turn right at the top of the stairs, then tackle the blue monster and the rat man that tries a bum's rush on you. When you are done stamping these trogs down, collect the full health orb from the crate on the right and continue on your merry way. Walk round the narrow pathway overlooking the empty lock and kill the two rat men there, then go round the corner. All you have to do now is shred the blue monster and the two rat men that enter the fray and you can calmly leave this carnage behind to begin the next stage of your quest. Level 13: London Zoo Whatever you do, don't feed the animals here or they'll have your arm off. Head over to the left wall across from where you start to find a full health orb, then walk through the gates. As you start towards the tunnel, the gate barring you path rises and a four-armed creature attacks from behind. When you have rendered this minion unconscious, continue through the tunnel to the cages above. Upon arriving, you are set upon by a harpy and a four-armed zombie that crashes through the wall to the right. Kill the harpy first to give yourself some space, then take on the four-armed creature. Let him go if he retreats as he?ll lure you into another ambush with a harpy. When he's defeated, walk through the hole he left in the wall and into the cage to collect a mine. Return to the main cage area, walk round the corner, and kill the harpy waiting there. On the right side of the path is a rusty cage: break it open to find a pistol and some TNT concealed within. Exit the cage and get ready for the four-armed zombie ahead of you to break out of its confinement and do you harm. Deal him some damage then turn around and flick the switch in the wall behind you. Head deeper into the zoo until you come to a bridge -- a harpy will fly across it to give you grief. Terminate this dozy bint quickly to prevent yourself from being knocked into the water, then slowly cross the bridge to face your next peril. As you begin to cross the open ground towards the passageway ahead, lightning will violently strike the ground nearby, causing some buildings to collapse. Stand your ground and wait for things to calm down before you continue. Once the dust has settled, turn left and go through the gate. You're immediately attacked by a spider creature. Whilst fighting it, keep your back to the wall (ooer!) to prevent the creature pushing you into the water ahead. Crush its skull with your weapon and cross over to the stone to take on the four-armed zombie on the other side of the river. Walk over to the web-coated archway on the left and kill the harpy and the spider that appear ahead of you. If you are quick you can push the spider creature into the water before it realises what?s happening, allowing you to defeat the harpy easily. Head into the webbed passage and mutilate the spider creature guarding the chamber. Cross the chamber and turn right: two more spider creatures rip there way through the surrounding cages to get to you. Using a razor power-up at this point proves more hilarious than deadly when limbs go flying as you go into a spider-slaying frenzy. Wipe the drool from your mouth when the spider creatures are no more and flick the switch at the end of the chamber. There are also two health pick-ups in the cages where the spiders were hidden which you should collect before leaving. On returning to the open, check out the cage on the other side of the stream by making a running jump over to it. After removing the door from its hinges you are rewarded with an extra life and other goodies that are crammed into the back of it. Cross back to the other side and continue up the pathway. A spider creature will drop down behind you so be wary. There are two health orbs behind the railings on the left. Getting to them is a bit risky so you are better off leaving them alone. A four-armed creature awaits your advance as you begin your trek over the bridge. Give it a good kicking, then wait for the gate leading to the tunnel to mysteriously open, showing you the way to the conservatory. On entering the conservatory you should get that 'being watched' feeling. Before you get a chance to look around, however, the glass dome above you caves in, showering you with glass. As you are pulling the splinters from your eyes, a harpy and four-armed zombie take you by surprise. Vanquish these dishonourable foes so that you may proceed. When you begin walking down the next path, keep clear of the barrels ahead, as they are about to explode. If that wasn't enough, another of Crowley's zombies is haunting the route ahead. As you meet this zombie in combat, a harpy will fly in from the left to give you a mauling. Cleave yourself a path through them and walk on into the blackness. Two more spider creatures lie caged ahead, waiting for you to free them from the burden of their lives. Naturally you must oblige these hapless arachnids and mash them into pulp. Finally you arrive battle-weary and exhausted at the display area, only to watch Crowley unleash a handful of four-armed zombies upon you before doing a runner. There's no time to lament, though, as you must soon wet your blade with zombie entrails as they charge towards you. Once the area is cleansed of undead, break the glass on the display cases to get a couple of items, then climb the stairs and go through the door to finish the level. Level 14: Marylebone Pausing only to remark what a slippery a******* Crowley is, you enter the monster-filled streets of Marylebone. Turn around as soon as you appear and you'll see three crates on the other side of a drainage ditch. Do a running leap across the ditch and destroy the crates to reveal a handful of items, then cross back over to begin your journey proper. A blue monster goes for you straight away. Use the level combo to erase his ass, then charge forward and slice the patrolling knifeman in two before he realises what's happening. Whilst the blood is still drying on your weapon, head back to where you started and do a smash-and-grab on the shop front there to equip yourself with a health orb and a pistol. Walk back up the street until you reach a dead end with a barrel in front of it. If you don't know what to do here, seek professional help. Step over the rubble of the now ruined wall into the tunnel ahead. Be alert for the sound of rumbling as the tunnel is prone to collapse. You'll soon come across a blue monster surrounded by barrels. With a wry grin on your face, turn this doughnut into a blue greasy mess so that you may continue. As you round the next bend, a knifeman will leap out on you and attempt to relieve you of your life. Hit him with a powerful attack to end his murderous antics, then walk through the tunnel towards the light. As you emerge from the underground haven and enter the street proper, you are waylaid by yet another blue monster on the prowl. Stave in his face with your boot and return to the city streets. Knifemen swarm on you as you stride bravely forward. Beat them down and more crash through the shop window to your left. When you've made crow food of these cloaked knifemen, search their hiding place to find a health orb. Still more monsters stumble through the fog towards you as you approach the gate at the end of the street. If you walk towards the gate, a blue monster will break the doors down to enter the melee: it is a good idea to use the repeater or a torch at this point to save your skin. Get ready to dodge as you enter the next street: a carriage packed with explosives hurtles right at you with a blue monster right behind it. Finish the blue deviant quickly so that the knifeman hiding round the corner doesn't get a chance to stab you in the back. Tread warily along the cobbled streets of London until you reach a well. Patrolling this area is a blue monster and a dreaded gargoyle. Pin the blue monster against the well and hit it with a few combos so that you can take on the gargoyle with a full time bar as it likes nothing more than to dodge your attacks until your time runs out. Head round the corner and you'll be bushwhacked by a knifeman. As he squares up to you, a gargoyle will be preparing to strike from the shadows so back off. These two creatures of evil now follow you in single file so you can pick them off easily. The bridge leading to central Marylebone looks peaceful enough. That is until you try to cross it. Disturbed by your presence, a blue monster decides the toll for crossing is death. Drop a mine in his path and he'll pay with his own. Lurking in a side alley out of sight is another gargoyle and a knifeman. Lay some dynamite down before they can leap onto you and you should be able to take care of them quite easily. Now go over to the two pubs on the right. Smash in the front of the Braveheart (vandal!) to get a razor power-up and break the window of the Lord Parkway to get a pistol. Whilst you are engaged in these nefarious activities, two gargoyles will be bounding over to you. Use a repeater or a couple of pistol shots to put these two down, as they can be quite nasty. A blue monster guards the courtyard ahead, put him in his place with a few well-aimed blows and select a torch or repeater from your inventory, but don't use it yet. Walk round the left side of the archway and make a search of the shop fronts there to acquire an extra life and pistol. Turn round quickly when you possess these items, as three knifemen will be closing in on you from all sides. Use your selected repeater of torch to send these vermin the way of all flesh, before dusting the charred flesh from your attire and leaving the square via the west exit. All is calm on the next street so you can admire your surroundings as you walk through the iron gate to get to the main square. You suddenly realise something's up when the gates seal you within the square. As you look about for some means of escape, your attention is suddenly drawn by the fact that the statues in the centre of the fountain are flying towards you. To deal with these three massive gargoyles you should engage the razor power-up you picked up earlier in the level. With your weapon edged like a razor, the gargoyles become unwilling limb donors as they scatter before your might. With the gargoyles dead, the gates open to allow you passage out of this slaughterhouse. As you walk to the end of the last street, you find an upturned cab in the middle of the road to give you a clue to your next mission. Level 15: Bloomsbury Crowley's lab is located somewhere within these darkened streets. You must find it to stand any chance of halting this terror. Turn round and collect the full health orb hidden behind you, then quickly face front to prevent the gargoyle behind you getting a few sneaky hits. Destroy the gargoyle and its companion before walking through the fog-shrouded streets to begin your search. A gargoyle charges at you from the front when you enter the next street. Avoid the urge to sidestep to avoid its attacks as there is another gargoyle waiting to grab you from behind a wall. Instead lure them into the pillars behind you so that you may trap the fools against the concrete and eliminate them. Advance towards the tavern in front of you and smash the glass. Amongst the remnants of the window you'll find a full health orb and a pistol. Walk forward and keep your eye on the shop front to the right: a gargoyle will come flying through it after your blood. When you have pulled its heart out, search the now smashed shop front to find a repeater, then walk round the corner. You'll suddenly be struck by the absence of enemies as you walk down the alleyway. This is to prepare you for the brown trousers bit coming up. A huge fire-breathing hellhound engulfs one of the side streets in flame and roars a challenge to you. Wade in fast to give it a beating before it can get close enough to use its fangs. Whilst you are giving this beast from the underworld corrective brain surgery, a gargoyle will burst out of the window behind you to complicate matters. Leap back when this happens and the hound will begin to breath fire. If you dodge at just the right time, the gargoyle will be hit by the flame jet instead of you! To defeat the hellhound, keep sidestepping round it and lashing out with a few kicks. When it bites the big one, walk over to the window near the flames and take the dynamite resting there. Walk down the alley to the wall opposite the fire and collect a full health orb. Walk back over to the fire and leg it through. Keep a health orb selected so that you can use it if you get to badly burnt. Once out the other side, take the weapon upgrade and the items you find there and add them to your armoury. Return to the main alley and walk down the steps. A spider creature runs through the doors ahead. Mess him up with your new weapon, then turn round and flick the switch on the wall behind you. Walk into the hallway and manoeuvre round the spider webs. Look out for more falling blocks as you pass beneath the archways and kill the spider creature hiding round the corner. When you get to the steps, a fire demon swoops in. Sidestep its small fireballs and deliver a powerful attack to cut it in two. Climb up the stairs, a gargoyle will be perched upon the wall ahead, get it to follow you down the alley to your right. You will encounter a hellhound further down the alley let him take care of the gargoyle before you break his bones. Don't try to search the flaming alley ahead as it only contains a fiery death for your unwitting adventurer, instead take the right turn to continue your quest. There is no time to play tag with the next gargoyle you meet - remove his skull to add to your collection, then kick in the shop front to your right to obtain a pistol and a small health orb. Further up the road you'll see a fire moving perilously close to a couple of gunpowder barrels. Walk up close to them, then jump back quickly as the hellhound and the gargoyle move in to attack. Before they get a chance to do anything, shoot the barrel and you should be able to scatter these two to the four winds. There are no items to be found in the fire, so don't take a chance on accidentally immolating yourself. Just take the clear path ahead to continue with your task. Two spider creatures stand at the top of the stairs in front of a tunnel. Charge towards them and force the multiple-armed freaks down the stairs. This way you can trap them in the corner and hack them to pieces in seconds. Go down the tunnel, taking care to stop occasionally when there is a cave-in, and run to the exit when you see the fire in the distance. A hellhound leaps from the fire to belch flames in your direction. Get in close and butcher it: the hellhound will use its paws at close range, but it is so slow that you can just keep kicking it to pin it down. Step round its body and tackle the spider creature scuttling towards you from the alleyway on your right. Exterminate the spider and take the left bend ahead. A hellhound will be prowling around the fire ahead of you. Draw him away from the fire or the momentum of your attacks will carry you into it. Pummel the hound into submission, then scramble through the hole in the wall to the garden below. You have no time to admire the fountain as you are greeted by a gargoyle and a hellhound. Pin them both against the side of the fountain and unleash a few deft combos on their demonic hides. When these two minions of evil have been overcome, jump into the fountain and the statue in the centre will come alive to give you grief. Give it a few haymakers to make it cough blood, then step over its mangled corpse and inspect the fountain. On the side of the fountain you'll find two health orbs and a pistol. Take these much-needed items and head south across the fountain. You'll find a small garden: dodge the hellhound's hot reception and trap it in the shed to kill it. A search of its lair will turn up a razor power-up to add to your collection. Leave the garden and walk east to the small iron gate there. Kill the gargoyle hiding in this area and collect the razor that it drops, then walk through the gate on the left. Select the razor from your inventory and prepare to use it as you advance on the fire at the end of the yard. A pair of hellhounds appear in the flames, accompanied by two fire demons. Engage the razor power-up and sweep these monsters aside, then step through the flames, dodging the exploding barrels until you come face to face with Crowley. Alas, once again Crowley does a 'Jessie Owens' and flees his lab with a vial of some description. Level 16: Pimlico On entering the shattered streets of Pimlico, go through the hole in the wall on the right. A blue monster is smashing up buildings in this area so kill it quickly. Walk over to the hut in the corner, behind it is a crate containing a full health power-up and a pistol. Get them both and go back to where you started. At the end of the yard is another crate with a full health orb and a razor power-up on it. Get these as well and go back through the wall. Look out for the collapsing ceiling as you go through the wall further up the corridor. This leads to a tunnel that ends in an underground room containing a hellhound. The room containing the hound is quiet large, so you can easily manoeuvre round its burning attacks and kill it at close range. Collect the item that the wretched creature has dropped and break through the door in front of you. A scene from Dante's Inferno greets you as you step out on to the burning street. Leap onto the ledge to the right and walk forward. A hellhound and blue monster attack from a side street. If you stay on the ledge, they can't hit you and you can shower them with mines and explosives at your leisure. Climb down when they have both been defeated and skirt the fires to get to the next street. There are holes for you to get through on both sides of the street. Go though the one on the left first and defeat the blue monster there to restore your time bar. Climb up the steps ahead and walk round the balcony until you come to another set of steps leading down. Flick the switch next to the steps to raise the grille in front of you, then proceed into the corridor below. Look carefully at the right wall as there is a disguised passage there which you should explore to stock up on items for the battle in the main chamber. Before you enter the main chamber you should shoot the barrels littering the area so that you do not blunder into the during the ensuing combat: two hellhounds and two flying demons are on you as soon as you enter, so make for the steps on the right. Once you are on the platform you can lay down a barrage of explosives to kill the minion below, but be wary of the flying demons getting too close. From the safety of the platform you can collect the two health orbs and the repeater, then return to the main street. This time take the right exit through the broken wall and shoot the barrels near the far wall to create carnage amongst your enemies. This should take out the blue monster standing near the crates to the left. If it is still alive, charge forward and shove it into the flames to finish the job. Now all you have to contend with is the hellhound and the fire demon creeping up behind you. Draw them away from the fire and into the narrow confines of the alley behind you. They should now get in each other's way, enabling you to wade in and rip their lungs out. Having surveyed the carnage with a satisfactory smile, walk over to the crates on the right and get the health orb from on top of them. Now climb the crates and walk along them so that you can safely jump over the fire and through the hole in the wall. Walk round the corner to the left and pick up the repeater there, then walk slowly into the smoky street. Barrels of dynamite will come rolling down the stairs - leap away from the explosive projectiles and kill the blue monster running down behind them. Now you have a choice of routes: you can either take the stairs which have deadly jumps and few monsters, or you can stay on the ground where the monsters are wall to wall. If, like me, you wish to see all the monsters dead, climb up the steps and eviscerate the hellhound near the fire, then leap across the gap to reach the building on the right (don't jump through the flames). When you land, take up arms against the hellhound on the balcony and mess him up. Walk round the corner and deal with the blue monster there. Now you can either continue across the gap to the second courtyard, or you can go back the way you came and kill the monsters there. Assuming that you are a deranged psychopath, you should by now have returned to the street below, where there is a hellhound begging to be killed, so deal with it accordingly. Zigzag through the fire and attack the hellhound and fire demon on the other side of the flames, then enter the courtyard ahead. Destroy the spider creature here, then run into the main arena. You will be attacked by a mob of five creatures. Use the repeater you discovered earlier or you'll soon be overwhelmed. Once you have littered the ground with corpses, walk over to the wooden fence in the top-left corner of the yard and break it down. Two spider creatures have made their nest here: be sure to clean it out with your blade. Destroy the fence in the right corner this time and you'll be faced with another spider. Dust him, break down the fence in front of you, and get ready for the big fight. Run past the hellhound and over to the huts. A blue monster bursts out of them - now would be a good time to use a repeater or razor power-up. If you have no weapons to deal with them, don't worry as they will get in each other's way, allowing you to take them out piecemeal. If you get hard pressed, return to where you entered and stand in the doorway, as this prevents them from attacking all at once. When you have downed them all, walk over to the steps near where the blue monster emerged. Scale the steps and slay the hellhound there. You should now have 100% kills, so walk down the steps and go right towards the exit. The wooden pillar that you have to pass by is decidedly unstable so keep stopping and starting to get past alive. Once through, all you have to do is quickly sidestep around the flames and enter the yard to finish the stage. Level 17: Jose Manuel As you enter the hall, Crowley's minion laughs and pulls his blades. Readying your weapon, you prepare yourself to meet this maniac knife thrower in mortal combat! Or rather not, as he has cunningly secreted himself within an iron maiden and is lobbing knives at you from a fair distance. Grab the full health orb from the ground in front of you, then flick the switch. A zombie will come out of the pit in front of you: hit it with single strikes until it falls over so that your momentum does not carry you into the fire. Now you can run for the switch on the other side of the screen -- wait until Jose throws a knife, as he takes a second or two to pull another one, enabling you to get across unscathed. Flick the switch there and the spikes on the iron maiden will begin to inch towards him. Return to the other side of the screen to repeat the process: you have to flick each switch four times before you can finally skewer the top-hatted imbecile and laugh about it. Level 18: Westminster Crowley has been busy burning down the Houses of Parliament -- must have been the Government?s new back-to-work scheme that provoked his breakdown. You have no time to ponder this when you enter Parliament, however, as a handful of Crowley's minions are prowling the corridor. Run left and grab the full health orb before the creatures are upon you. The first wave of adversaries consists of two knifemen and three fire demons and can be killed quickly. Kick open the door to the next corridor and take the first left turn into the gardens. There are two fire demons and two hellhounds in the gardens. The wide open space makes it easy to close down and kill them. Opposite the entrance to this area lies a burning doorway. If you are feeling lucky or brave, leap over the fire into the corridor behind to take a short cut; if not, return to the previous corridor and keep walking. A hellhound bursts out of the flames ahead. Circle round it using the sidestep buttons so that it doesn't drag you into the flames when you attack it. Once it is defeated, turn left into the large corridor and kill the hellhound and fire demon there. As you approach the door at the end, another of couple of creatures flood out. Give them a beating, but don't even try to go through the fire in the room behind as it is impassable. Run down the passage to your left, being careful not to get caught by the exploding barrels, and destroy the two creatures there so that you may proceed. This can be quite tricky due to the number of fires scattered about, so you are better off executing them both with a few pistol shots. Be on your guard as you round the next bend as there is a knifeman waiting in the shadows. Break his legs, then enter the hall and hospitalise the minion there. Climb the staircase to the gallery and kill the knifeman there, then walk round the gallery until you get to a couple of hellhounds. To kill them instantly use the pistol at point blank range as this decapitates them with one shot. Once past these over-grown mutts walk over to the gap in the gallery ahead, make two jumps to get you over to the other side and kill the hellhound there to get an extra life. The passage ahead is blocked by fire so turn right and continue down the gallery until you get to at room. There are two knifemen inside the room ahead so lob a torch in there to burn them out. Once the room is clear you will discover it to be an armoury, break all six weapon cases to equip yourself with the pistols within. Walk over to the armour on the left wall and wreck it, then go forward into the next room. Only one knifeman awaits your judgment in here, so make short work of him before helping yourself to the items in the background. Walk over to the bookcase on the right. If you have destroyed both sets of armour, you should be able to open it. Once it is open, walk into the darkened passage and pick up the extra life there. At the very end of the passage is a grate: hit it with your weapon to open it, then drop down. This short cut takes you back to the main hall so that you don't have to walk all the way round the gallery. Bypass the stairs this time round and go into the courtyard. Two hellhounds have been left here by Crowley to guard his retreat. Make them pay for their loyalty with their lives. Kill the two fire demons here as well, then proceed through the gate in the right wall. In front of the door is a pool of blood left by Crowley -- could your arch enemy be inside? Level 19: Westminster Part 2 The end of your quest draws near, but don't relax just yet. Draw your weapon in time to cleave the gargoyle before you in two. Explosions rip through the corridor ahead as you advance, so move slowly to avoid injury. Drop a few mines in front of you to kill the hellhound that is causing the explosions, then deal with its winged companions. Smash the armour on the left and get the health orb that comes out of it, then move slowly up the corridor, being wary of explosions. A gargoyle comes racing down the steps to tear you limb from limb: blow its head off with your pistol, then cautiously move around the flames to get to the next corridor. The top of the steps is guarded by a hellhound and fire demon. Wait for them to attack you, as the stairway is about to explode in the middle: a few mines wouldn't go amiss here. Walk up to the flames at the end of the corridor. The left corridor is a dead end containing two monsters; the right corridor contains a wall of flames that must be traversed to get to the next section. Gun down the first gargoyle you meet and dodge the explosions as you run round the right bend. Another gargoyle awaits you at this bend so use your pistol to remove it from your sight. Dealing with the massive fire that has sprung up in the middle of the corridor is another matter. Take a run and jump over the fire and into the next part of the passage. Leap the next fire, but be on your guard when you land as there is a hellhound waiting for you. Deal with the hound and clear the gallery of nasties. If you run out of pistols, you can find one on the right side of the gallery. The gap in the right side of the gallery leads down into a secret area containing a fire demon. Once the demon has been removed, you can walk into the secret passage he was guarding. There is a gargoyle concealed within the passage. Kill it, then grab the mountain of items that are neatly lined up at the back. Strike the door behind the items with your weapon and leap through the doorway and over the fire. Now you have to run through all the fiery corridors and back up to the gallery before your blue bar runs down. Worth it? I think not. Once you arrive back at the gallery, head through the door on the far side. Enter the next room and run to the end, dodging the attacks made by the hellhound until you get to the gargoyle. When you have got all the monsters in this section grouped around you, use the repeater to sort them out, or a couple of sticks of dynamite if you have them to spare. When the room is clear, grab the small health orb from the box near the exit - you'll certainly need it for later in the game. Then cross through the flaming section of corridor and do battle with the hellhound there. Follow the passageway round and enter the final chamber. There's a hound and a gargoyle to kill here. Do so, then walk right to the balcony outside. As you step out onto the balcony, a harpy and a gargoyle will be on top of you in seconds. Beat them off and look around. You'll see Crowley transform himself into a massive winged demon and attach himself to Big Ben. Run along the balcony and into the other half of the room. Collect your thoughts and ready your joypad: Crowley is about to get some! Level 20: Adam Crowley From his perch atop Big Ben, Crowley dispatches some demons to take care of you. Don't engage them just yet - instead turn around and cross the gap behind you, as there is a full health orb that you'll need secreted there. Return to the main rooftop. Now it's time to kick some underworld ass (and not because of the appalling album they released the year before last). The winged demons are laughably inept at killing you. They are slow-moving and the trails of fire they leave behind are easily avoided. To kill them quickly, wade in behind them with a few kick combos and keep kicking until they don't get up. When all four demons have been dispatched, Crowley detaches himself from the clock tower, seeking vengeance. This is one tough battle. You can only do damage to Crowley with combos, so none of that cheap kicking stuff that got you through the first few levels. The combos have to be at least four moves long so that the last strike will be unblockable. Keep Crowley out in the open, as he has a habit of attacking you in a frenzy when cornered, and don't let him manoeuvre you into the fire or off the edge. When you have hit Crowley with ten good combos he will stumble to the ground dazed. You must now do another combo, but the last strike must be to the face. If you manage to pull the combo off successfully, Crowley's head comes clean off. Once again it will be safe to walk the streets of London (!?). BRGDS,OGS.