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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh Walkthrough (ENG)
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : Текущая : full

Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh Walkthrough

To best use this walkthrough, just scan the chapter you are stuck in from
the beginning. Once you get to something you haven't done, do that and you
will probably begin to progress further into the chapter. Many of the
things that are requireed to do can be done in any order.
Chapter One

Click right to view nightstand.
Click on the nightstand.
Take granola bar, screwdriver, and photograph.
Click left to view mirror.
Click on mirror.
Exit bedroom to front door scene.

Click on mail basket.
Take mail.
Go left to living room.

Use mail from inventory on Curtis.
Take photo from table.
Click left to view rat cage.
Click on rat cage.
Return to front door.

Click on front door.
Return to living room.

Click on couch.
Click on rat cage.
Use rat on couch.
Use granola bar on couch.
Return to front door.

Click on front door.
Go to WynTech.

Examine Curtis' wallet in inventory.
Click on wallet, receive security card.
Use card on reader on left.
Enter WynTech offices.

Click on water cooler.
Click on door across from water cooler.
Click right to view closest cubicles.
Click on the right cubicle (Jocilyn's cubicle)

Click on Jocilyn.
Show Jocilyn postcard and both photographs.
Exit cubicle.
Go to left cubicle (Tom's cubicle).

Click on Tom.
Use wallet on Tom.
Use security card on Tom.
Exit Tom's cubicle.
Exit to main office screen.
Approach cubicles down the hall.
Click on right side.
Click on right cubicle (Bob's cubicle).

Click on Bob.
Exit Bob's cubicle.
Go to left cubicle (Therese's cubicle).

Talk to Therese.
Use postcard on Therese.
Exit to main office screen.
Go to left side cubicles.
Click on left cubicle (Curtis' cubicle).

Click on green chair.
Click on picture of rat, notice name "BLOB".
Click on note by keyboard (jot down the numbers).
Click on phone to use it.
Call extension 6992 (Jocilyn).
Call extension 6125 (Trevor).
Call extension 6120 (Tom).
Call extension 3038 (Therese).
Exit telephone.
Click on computer screen.
Password = BLOB
Exit cubicle.
Go to right cubicle (Trevor).

Click on Trevor.
Show Trevor photographs and postcard.
Use security card on Trevor.
Return to Curtis' cubicle.

Click on chair.
Click on computer.
Examine the file folders and files.
Read the "Venimen_Sagawa" document.
Click on document, Curtis' halluncinates.
Call extension 6125 (Trevor).
Click on computer and go to mail system.
Read your mail and reply in any fashion to Trevor and Jocilyn.
Exit cubicle.
Exit main offices to hallway.
Enter door on right (supply room).

Click on the right side of room.
Click on boxes to move them.
Examine wall panel.
Use screwdriver on wall panel.
Exit room.
Return to Trevor's cubicle.

Click on Trevor.
You will eventually take a break and go to the Dreaming Tree Restaurant.

Click on Trevor until you leave restuaurant.

Return to Wyntech.
Enter door across from water cooler. (Paul Warner's office)
Examine photo on the table.
Try to open drawer.
Get thrown out.

Go to Curtis' cubicle.
Try and bring up the "Venimen_Sagawa" document.
Click on the letters to spell "ratboy".
Go to Bob's cubicle.

Talk to Bob.
Go to Therese's cubicle.

Click on Therese.
Return to supply room.
Therese will "follow".

Around here, you should have completed enough so Curtis says it is time

go home.

Go to Restaurant to meet Jocilyn.

Talk to Jocilyn and Max the waiter.
Click wallet on bill.
Return home.

Click on Jocilyn.
End Chapter One.

Chapter Two

From now on, I'll assume you know where certain locations are.

In Curtis' bedroom, click on mirror.
Get mail from front door.
In living room, use mail on Curtis.
Click on Blob's cage.
Click on bookcase.
Use Dr. Harburg's card on telephone.
Go to Wyntech.

Talk to Jocilyn, Trevor, and Therese.
Enter main offices.
Enter Paul Warner's office.
With cop distracted, pick up piece of paper on the floor.

Talk to detective.
Click on Curtis' cubicle.
Go to Dreaming Tree Restaurant.

Talk to Jocilyn twice.
Keep clicking on Therese.
Return home.

In Apartment, examine rat cage, bookcase, and mirror for some more
Return to WynTech.

Enter main office.
Detective will run you out. Return inside and go to Tom's cubicle.
Use Tom's phone to dial Warner's office.
Go to Paul Warner's office.

Click on the desk.
Look at photo on table and document.
Open drawer and get key.
Exit desk view and examine plaque on wall (Carpe Diem).
Exit to main office.
Go to Bob's cubicle.

Get button from floor.
Exit to supply room.

Click right and move boxes to reveal wall panel.
Use key on wall panel.
Click on file cabinet.
Take the tool box.
Leave room and return home.

Use tool box on Curtis.
Get folder and lace.
Click on box and notice there is more to be found here.
Exit apartment to Dr. Harburg's office.

Click on Dr. Harburg.
Show Dr. Harburg both photos.
Show Dr. Harburg postcard from Therese.
Show Dr. Harburg the folder.
Show Dr. Harburg the lace (twice).
Show Dr. Harburg Bob's button.
Show Dr. Harburg her business card.

Click right.
Look at snowdome on desk, appointment over.
Go to Restaurant.

Talk to Max the waiter.
Go to Borderline.

Show the bouncer the postcard from Therese.
Click on person at the bar.
Click left. Examine restroom.
Exit screen.
Click left to go to Therese.

Talk to Therese until you get a drink.
Click on the drink.
Click on piercer.
Go home.

Click on your new navel ring.
End Chapter Two.

Chapter Three

Look at mirror, rat cage, mail.
Answer telephone.
Go to WynTech.
Enter supply room.

Click on work desk to find hammer.
Click right to find your secret wall panel plastered.
Go to main offices.

Go to your cubicle.
Use computer.
Read email and reply.
Click on "Archive" folder.
Password = CARPEDIEM
Read "threshold.doc"
Click on "Memos" folder.
The passwords for each file are the three words on the post-it note you
found in Warner's office.
Call extension 6125 (Trevor).
Call extension 6992 (Jocilyn).
Go to Trevor's cubicle.

Talk to Trevor.
Go to Therese's cubicle.

Talk to Therese.
Go to Bob's cubicle.

Look at box.
Go to Jocilyn's cubicle.

Talk to Jocilyn.
Exit to main offices.

Click on Paul Warner's office twice.
Pass out, enter Mental Hospital Dream.

Talk to nurse.
Click on Curtis, click on belt buckle.
Click on rolling green ball when it is near your feet.
Click on Curtis, click on belt buckle.
Click down, click on doorway.
Go home.

Use tool box on Curtis.
Examine hammer in inventory. Use screwdriver on hammer.
Click on new screwdriver/hammer item on tool box.
Read letter.
Go to Restaurant.

Talk to Trevor.
Go to Dr. Harburg's office.

Click on Dr. Harburg.
Show Dr. Harburg the photographs and postcard and card from Therese.
Show Dr. Harburg the folder.
Show Dr. Harburg the lace.
Show Dr. Harburg Bob's button.
Show Dr. Harburg the letter twice.
Go to Borderline.

Click on person at the bar.
Return home.

Click on Therese.
After you are in bedroom, continue to click on Therese.
End of Chapter Three.

Chapter Four

Talk to the detective.
Use Dr. Harburg's business card on telephone.
Click on rat cage three times, look at bookshelf, and examine mail.
Go to WynTech.

Go to Tom's cubicle.
Go to Restaurant.

Talk to Trevor.
Go to WynTech.

Click on Paul Warner's office door.
Go to Dr. Harburg's office.

Talk to Dr. Harburg.
Go home.

Walk around, someone will finally knock.
Answer door.
Talk to Jocilyn.
Talk hairpin from table.
Go to Wyntech.

From hallway, use hairpin on second door on the left.
Enter Warner's office.

Use screwdriver on desk drawer.
Take paper and book.
Read paper and book.
Click on computer and login as Curtis.
Read email.
Login as Paul Warner - Password: CARPEDIEM
Click on Network icon to access SecureCon
Use buttons to increase Curtis' security to 3.
Exit office.
Approach glass door.

Use card on reader by glass door.
Use card on reader by elevator.
Click on door at end of hallway.
Click on jacket on floor.
Click on door at end of hallway.
Click on toy truck.
Click on door at end of hallway.

Click on blanket.
Click on door on the right.
Click on access switches.
Use code "10958" (found from paper)
Enter door.

Click on control panels.
Password - ROSETTA (from book)
Keep pressing buttons until you can't.
Leave WynTech (you'll have to go to main hallway upstairs)
Go to Borderline.

Go to Therese booth.
Talk to Therese.
Click on drink.
Follow Therese to the "pit".
Show bouncer Therese's card.
Click on door.
Click on puzzle.
Rotate puzzle pieces until the green sides are pointing toward center.
Click on the center.

Click on the chain.
Click on the curtains.
End of Chapter Four.

Chapter Five

Click on dectective until she is gone.
Click on mirror, rat cage, mail, and phone with Dr. Harburg's card.

Go to Dr. Harburg's office.

Look behind desk.
Click on door when guard is looking down.
Go to WynTech.

Go to Curtis' cubicle.
Click on computer twice.
Go to Tom's cubicle.
Click on computer.
Go to Bob's cubicle.
Click on magnifying glass.
Go to Warner's office.

Click on computer.
Login as Curtis and read email.
Login as Paul Warner.
Examine PAULW folder.
Read "goldmine.doc".
Read "bdadress.doc".
Go to supply room.

Click on Trevor twice (poor fella).
Go to basement level computer room.

Click on control panels.
Click on anything until they tell you to come communicate.
Click on wall card reader.
Use Trevor's card on reader.
Enter Threshold.

Click on controls.
Click on Paul to talk, keep talking.
Talk to new creature.
Click on controls when creature decides to kill Curtis.
Enter Threshold world.

Examine the area in the middle of the screen.
Click on slime.
Go down walkway.

Keep rotating your view, picking up all the creatures. (3 of them)
Take the colorful food one of the creatures was eating.
Examine the horseshoe like creature in your inventory. Combine it with
the starfish like creature.
Exit through cave.

Turn around.
Use the colorful food on the two creatures.
Get creature.
Turn around.
Right click your newly created creature on the yellow energy field.
Click on green enery field.

Click on slimy guy.

Click on tray to Curtis' left.
Take the syringe.

Click on Jocilyn's gun.

Click on down arrow.
Take security card.
Use security card on door.

Click on lever by Curtis' right hand.

Click on Curtis' Mommy.

Click on slimy guy.
Examine below slimy guy and get slime.
Turn around.
Exit through cave.

Examine slime and combine it with the other slime. (New slime!)
Examine the green pipe.
Use new slime on green pipe.
Go up.
Examine the left hotspot (burnt out fuse thing)
Use "Electric Alien" on the fuse.
Click on right hotspot (circuits)

Attach the wires using the color keys on the bottom and left.
Click on the top knob (with the arrow).
Click on the knob with the notch in it until it is facing left.
Click on the orange mass above that knob. It'll shoot a lazer into the
knob, starting something.
Click on that knob with the notch until it is facing upper right.
Click on the orange mass above that knob. It'll shoot a lazer into the
knob, starting something else.
Click on the top knob so the arrow is to the left.
Click on the triangle switch until red is in the lower right.
Click on blue pulsating ball (shoots lazer).
Click on triangle switch until yellow is in lower right.
Click on blue pulsating ball.
Click on triangle switch until blue is in lower right.
Click on blue pulsating ball.
Click on the red, yellow and blue switches in that order.
Click on the triangle switch until red is in lower right.
Click on blue pulsating ball.
Click on triangle switch until yellow is in lower right.
Click on blue pulsating ball.
Click on triangle switch until blue is in lower right.
Click on blue pulsating ball.
Click on the red, yellow and blue switches in that order.

Ending: You can either click on Jocilyn to stay with her (small bikini!)
or you can click on the Threshold to return there.

End of Chapter Five

End of Game

Кто прислал: - Когда: -:-:- - стр. full -

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