Return to Parker Center. Talk to Mrs. Garcia. Click the hand icon on your desk.
Take the memo from your in-box. Inside your inventory, click the eye icon on
the memo to read it. Go to the Hickman's house and talk to Katherine. When you
leave the Hickman's house you will automatically go to the Short Stop bar.
Do I need anything at the Short Stop bar?
Please enter selection: h
Take some pretzels from the bowl on the table. Talk to Sam and Julie.
4 ... Wednesday
How do I avoid getting killed at City Hall?
Save your game. Walk to the front. Respond to the questions. When Dennis Walker
starts to attack you, quickly take the gun from your inventory and click it on
him. Click the talk icon on Dennis Walker first to make him freeze and second
to make him drop his weapon. When Dennis Walker is kneeling with his hands on
his head, immediately take the handcuffs from your inventory and click them on
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