where yyy is the name of a creature or NPC
ie: CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Ray") will create a gibberling
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Khalid") will create Khalid
CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Noober") will create the best NPC in the game ;)
Note: The name you enter is limited to 6 characters, so some names are different, as in Jaheira would have to be entered as blah:("Jaheir")
Set the current Experience points for all party members to 8900
Item List (compiled by Joe D):
New List Items by Dogma8 try MAGE01 MAGE04 nice combo
this list is not complete by any means
AMUL01 - Necklace of Missiles
AMUL02 - Necklace
AMUL04 - Studded Necklace with Zios Gems
AMUL05 - Bluestone Necklace
AMUL06 - Agni Mani Necklace
AMUL07 - Rainbow Obsidian Necklace
AMUL08 - Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace
AMUL09 - Silver Necklace
AMUL10 - Gold Necklace
AMUL11 - Pearl Necklace
AMUL12 - Laeral's Tear Necklace (3000 gp)
AMUL13 - Bloodstone Amulet
AMUL14 - Amulet of Protection +1
AMUL15 - Shield Amulet
AMUL16 - Amulet of Metaspell Influence (+1 2nd level spell)
AROW01 - Arrow
AROW02 - Arrow +1
AROW03 - Arrow of Slaying
AROW04 - Acid Arrow
... Далее >>