open your map and see the difference. It is located in the room with Cutters, the room where you came from and meet the woman. The second floor at the right side of your map you will find the new way to the Jail. I can not free them. Follow the path and you will be at Throne Room and meet the woman who give you quest. You will be ordered to enter the door near her. Do not enter, if you do the game will ending. Refuse her and she will attack you. Kill her and loot hers and then use Sigil on her's and teleport back to the Draracle Cave.
Advanced Your Rank (Second Quest)
Back to Gladstone and get the Second Quest from the four Guilds. The Warrior will give you new quest to conquer another Portal. Go to Underworld (see your map). Complete the quest and you will advanced your rank. Now you can open the door in the second floor.
The Wizard Guild will give second quest with another sample Portal. Go back to Waterfall area and step inside the Portal. After teleport to Ice World turn back and click the portal when you close to it and step inside again to go back to Gladstone. You will advanced your rank and meet "The Beautiful Dawn"
The Cleric Guild (Finch Boris) will give you second quest to look for new herbs. If you have conquered Volcanic World and White Tower and in your inventory already have the new herbs, just step outside the room and sees you journal changes and go back inside and you will advanced your rank and meet Finch.
The Thieves Guilds give a new quest to look for Pardon. You can steal it from The Guard walking around in front The Keep's Door. Syruss will tell you if you meet the right Guard. After that, give the Pardon to Elena and you ... Далее >>