(Q) What do I do with the Swamp Rantzy wearing the necklace?
Catch him with the net. Then find heather plants W of there. When
you get back near Lowangen use the 18th heather on him. There are
also two documents related to this problem. (Or: Go to where the
heather is. Pluck each bush, until you find the one that makes the
rantzy react. Throw away heathers that do not make him react.)
To transform the character back into a human, have a character with
adequate skills hold the rantzy, the dcoument, and the magic heather.
Use the document, then use the heather. If you do not have adequate
healing skills, wait till you are about to enter Lowengrin. If your
party has a healer, you can cure his disease and adventure with him.
(Q) How do you open the chest in the swamp?
Turn stepwise mode off to get into the chest.(!) You should then
be able to click on or press SPACE by the chest to open it. Some
people report this as being rather buggy though ... it may depend
on the character opening the chest.
[According to the sir-tech people, the only narrative requirements
to open the chest are to have been to Lowangen, and to have talked
to the witch (lady). You can email sirtech yourself
"76711.33@compuserve.com", but if my experience is any measure,
don't expect quick or intelligent responses.]
(Q) How do I get into the tower?
Talk to the witch. It seems wise NOT to pull up the witch's herb
garden before you try to speak with her.
(Q) How do you appease the Fire Elemental?
Answer with one word at a time......
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