the mirror and rotate until you see the slot in the handle. Insert the
battery. Now zap the broken card with the gun to open the panel. Talk to Pod
Dude . Once he is free you will get the Green Crystal and return to the
Midworld Temple.
Talk to the plants to prove you are worthy to pass. To get past the door
you need to pull the rings to make the animals say "eeni-meeni-minie-mo".
If you number the rings left to right and top to bottom the sequence should
be: 2-7-4-7-6-7-5. Sit down at the table with the food and add the glass and
napkin to your inventory. Read the poem where the napkin used to be.
Examine the napkin in the mirror and read the poem to find out what order to
eat the foods. You will need to read the napkin between each food to learn
which one is next. The order is Chicken, Orange Pepper, Carrot, Donut, and
Cake. You can miss 2 times before you die. It's worth it to miss once just
to see Riana blow chunks.
Click on the statue and look in the water but DON'T DRINK! Click your glass
on the statue to transform him into "Buns of Granite". Now look in the water
to find a piece of an upcoming puzzle. Head to the gate and solve the snake
puzzle to open it. You must match the rest of the snake to the color of your
piece. The colors change each time you move a piece. The trick is not to
move the pieces more than 2 spaces. Start with the neck and move each piece
one slot as you spiral into the center. When you reach the last piece start
moving it back and forth until it is in its final position and the proper
color. Repeat for each of the other pieces as you spiral back out to the neck.
Complete the puzzle with the final piece from your inventory.
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