At some time during the level, you will have to fight an enemy mo.
missile. By sheer force of willpower (or so I'd like to believe) I managed
to destroy a bridge that it was on, and that was the end of it. Most people
won't be so lucky (in fact, the only reason it was ON the bridge was because
I was losing, but don't tell anybody) so they'll have to fight it on equal
grounds. An effective strategy is to send two light tanks at it from
different directions, obviously it can only shoot one at a time, and the
tank it's shooting at may even be able to avoid dying. However you tackle
it, make sure you've still got enough defence to hold your territories.
Once your fort has manufactured a heavy tank, use it to capture 7. There
will be no howitzers there, allowing an easy capture. Get another tank to
capture 8, but be careful of the howitzer in the enemy fort territory. It
can reach the flag, but you should be able to capture the territory and get
away in time.
This howitzer will, more or less, be all that stands between you and
total domination. It's near a road, so get any kind of tank to barrel along
and blast it when it gets in range. It's easy from here, just use the
strategy of attacking the lower parts of the fort to win.
Congratulations, you have now won. I'll let you decide if it was worth it.
Apparently (according to the end movie) there's a sequel coming. Hasn't come
yet, perhaps we'll have another case of the Lost Vikings syndrome. For those
of you unfamiliar with the game, at the end of the credits a sequel was
promised. It didn't come for about 6 years. Oh well...
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