Во время компьютерной миссии (Mission computer) жмите [Ctrl]+[F1]. Теперь вы сможете вводить коды. Внимание: Все коды регистрозависимые!!! Правильно введенные коды подтверждаются звуковым сигналом.
Redtop Trod - можно выбрать все миссии одиночной игры из меню 'mission' Half Libel - активировать ключ телепортации Had A Nude On - активировать ключ невидимости Brass Clue - активировать ключ снаряжения (Amunition Key) Rotted Drop - активировать уничтожение цели (Destroy Target) Horny Elk Leer - активировать ключ "все цели на радаре" Chaste Coed - просмотр последнего видео-ролика
Коды, применяемые во время игры: [CTRL] + [I] - неуязвимость [CTRL] + [Z] - пополнить боезапасы [CTRL] + [F] - уничтожить данную цель [CTRL] + [B] - телепорт перед целью [CTRL] + [P] - все цели на радаре
Redtop Trod - Select all single player missions from the mission Menu Half Libel - ??? Had A Nude On - ??? Brass Clue - ??? Mother Mourn Us - ??? Chaste Coed - View the end video sequences. Rotted Drop - ??? Horny Elk Leer - ??? O'Sarge - ??? Swiss Throat - ??? A Mere Fart - ??? A Scramble On - ???
However, one of these codes enables the In-Game-Keys : CTRL+I - Activates Invinciblity CTRL+Z - Refills ammo CTRL+F - Destroy current target
лови: --- At the Mission computer (where you can select Game, Options, etc) just press [Ctrl][F1] and enter one or more of the following codes. Remember that all the codes are case sensitive !!! Correct codes will be confirmed by a beep.
Redtop Trod - Select all single player missions from the mission menu Half Libel - Activates teleport key = [Ctrl][B] Had A Nude On - Activates invincibility key = [Ctrl][I] Brass Clue - Activates amunition key = [Ctrl][Z] Mother Mourn Us - Changes mountain on mission 1-5 to Mt. Rushmore with programers faces Chaste Coed - View the end video sequences Rotted Drop - Activates destroy target key = [Ctrl][F] Horny Elk Leer - Activates all targets on radar key = [Ctrl][P] O'Sarge - Gives seargeant in training missions an irish accent Swiss Throat - Changes Citadel building into 7th level headquarters A Mere Fart - ??? A Scramble On - Let's you take screen shots by pressing [Shift][Ctrl]- [rightMouseclick] Range Goes Gory - All levels Dunk It Here - Recording session outtakes Oh No! Less Japan - Activates ion-strike key = [Ctrl][X] ---