Unlock the Triceratops: Name one of your exhibits "Cretaceous Corral". This will unlock the Triceratops. Unlock the Unicorn: Name one of your exhibits "Xanadu". This will unlock the Unicorn. Instant Money: Press Shift+4 (basically like typing the $), and you'll get an instant $10,000. Place a Lion, Tiger and a Bear in a Exhibit to get the Yellow Brick Road. Name Changing Bonuses: Change a visitor's name to any of the following for the desired effect:
Name Result Mr. Blue Changes Everyone's Shirt to Blue Mr. Blonde Changes Everyone's Shirt to Yellow Mr. White Changes Everyone's Shirt to White Mr. Brown Changes Everyone's Shirt to Brown Mr. Orange Changes Everyone's Shirt to Orange Mr. Pink Changes Everyone's Shirt to Pink Alfred H White Birds Appear and Scare People Russell C Fences All Deteriorate 100% Zeta Psi Some People's Shirt Turns Yellow and They Puke John Wheeler All Animal Shelters Available Hank Howie Researches All Zoo Staff Research
Name an exhibit "Microsoft" to get double the normal donations at exhibits.
Name a guest "Adam Levesque" te get all animal care programs.