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Игра: Abuse (English language)
Тип документа : FAQ Всего страниц : 35 Текущая : 29

VIIII. Where Can I Learn More About Level Editing?

A. General Level Editing Information and Guidelines

Duong Nyugen's documentation of the built-in level editor is the best place to
start if you are totally new to the editor. It is not a tutorial, regardless
of the title (Tutorial Number One), but it does document the features of the
built-in editor and lists all of the objects available an describes their
purpose and usage thoroughly.

The author of Abuse has put out a small example distributed as example.zip
which shows how to create a small lisp file so that the main startup.lsp
file does not need patching when you add new graphics and wish to start
your homebrew level as the first level. You can obtain this file from
my FTP site or from www.crack.com.

B. Level Editor Documentation

Currently the only documentation on the supplied level editor is the abuse.doc
file that comes with the beta version of Abuse. You can read the most recent
version of abuse.doc on Crack Dot Com's home page which can be found by
aiming at www.crack.com.

C. Lisp documentation and tutorials

Guy Steele's definitive description of the Common Lisp language, _Common Lisp
the Language_, second edition, can be accessed through the World Wide Web.
The address is www.supelec.fr/docs/cltl/cltl2.html. From this web page
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: Ангел Свет (BFA) Когда: 26:10:1999 - стр. 29 -


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