26 candles to be divided in 20 provinces. Every of the 8 officers gets an equal amount of these provinces. Two of them get 1 province more then the others. This means those two get 4 provinces and the rest gets 3 provinces. Two officers are at war and half of their provinces is destroyed. This means two of their four provinces is destroyed. In total this is four destroyed provinces. And they should be as far away from eachother as possible. The ones destroyed are those marked with an X in the outer square of candles.
Then there's a meeting in which the officers are killed. The meeting is the circle of six candles. The officers are the ones on top and at the bottom (far away!). Also blow them out. Put the diamond in the middle to let light shine again. Solved!
Now you've solved it, you only have to choose your treasure. Of course, like in every good fairy tale, you choose wisdom or the book. If not, and you choose the gold, you'll become Fouras and are doomed to spent the rest of forever in his tower...
This game is only to be found in The Netherlands, Belgium and France at this time. Due to this, it's only available in Dutch and French language. I originally played the Dutch version of this game and I translated my walkthrough in English. There might be some slight differences, also to the French version of the game. If you find any disturbing differences, please let me know by email.
Als je de originele Nederlandstalige walkthrough wil ontvangen van De Legende van Fort Boyard, stuur mij dan even een berichtje. ... Далее >>