the tombstone. The text is upside down but, when read with a mirror, says: Three times the tigers of the sea will block your way but the fourth time the fort will welcome you".
Then go to the house of Jaques Dufaux. From the harbor this is to the left. Tell the old lady at the door you have a job for Dufaux. Once inside the house, use the left side of the blue button on the panel left of the screen. Pull it and the music will be louder. Dufaux is somehow hypnotized by it and will cooperate when you tell him it's about an important job. Leave the house.
Last important location on Aix is the pub. Go there (arrow to the top of the screen) and meet two sailors. Both sailors offer a solution. If you choose the young sailor, you'll have to solve a chess problem. If you do this right, he'll take you to the fort for nothing. If you choose the old sailor, you just have to give him money. The chess problem is not that hard. Move the bishop to the top and to the right till it's crosswise to the king. The king will take one step forward. Now use the knight that most to the bottom of the screen to take two steps forward and one step to the right. Checkmate and good-bye to the king. The sailor tells you to meet him in the harbor.
In the harbor talk to him and take the dinghy to the fort!
part two TREASURE HUNTING - INSIDE THE FORT Go left and go to the door. Press the tiger's head above the door three times. Then a fourth time and the door will open. Enter! Go through the hatch in the floor and find the first puzzle. Put the medallion in the left hole and hear a lock open. Go up again and open the chest. Take out Napoleon nummero three! ... Далее >>