Pod Bay use the Control Pedastel and press the Elevator Door Button. To open the Garbage Bin use the black box on the wall in Engineering. To use the Cryo Chamber press the red button in the Science Lab,use Cryo Chamber, put the object to be frozen or thawed in Cryo Chamber, look at Cryo Chamber, use control panel, put Cryo Chamber on proper setting (Freeze, Thaw, Cook), set time, press start. The RRS (Refuse Recovery System) is used to pick up garbage. From the Captains Chair you can command Cliffy by pressing the Green Button, command W-D40 (when you have her) by pressing the Orange Button, activate self destruct sequence by pressing Red Button then pressing mushroom cloud button, command Flo & Droole. These are your order options Flo: Hail Starcon, Hail Planet, Hail Ship, Status Report, Act Busy (Joke), Abandon Ship (Useless). Droole: Lay in a Course, Lite Speed, Regular Speed, Raise Shields, Lower Shields, Fire, Standard Orbit,Status Report, Activate RRS, Evasive Action. Cliffy: More Power (Useless), Status Report, Cloak Ship (When Cloak is installed) Decloak Ship (Ditto). W-D40 (When you have her): Scan Planet, Scan for Ships, Status Report , Reccomendation. To use Transporter in all but one instance step on transporter pad and use command on it. Map of the Eureka
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