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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: MDK2
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 29 Текущая : 2

Look over the left side of the platform and explode the creature
generator. Float
down into the room (or ride the platforms down) and smoke the
aliens that spawned
before you destroyed the generator. Turn to face the wall with the
two platforms
and snipe the lock ball under the lower outcropping. This will
unlock the passage
above. Ride the fan stream up to the lower platform, grabbing the
Health if you
need it. Drop to the next hall and smoke the two Spheres of Death

Tip: In curved hallways such as this, you can get easy kills
on enemies who do
not charge. In this case, creep to the right side of the hall and
target the
sliver of enemy that shows. They won't be able to fire on you, but
you can take
them out with a consistent chain gun stream. If they get the idea
and start
pursuing, fall back and reset your shot.

Drop to the next hallway to reach Checkpoint B.

Checkpoint 1B

From the checkpoint, you'll see another set of circular sliding
doors. Behind it
are a pair of Dogan Boys and a Sphere. Move forward enough to open
... Далее >>

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