Checkpoint 3A
If you start this level from the previous level, you'll begin in the Lounge. If you begin from a saved game, you'll start on the Bridge.
In the Lounge, listen to the short, computer-driven tutorial. This will teach you to make toast. Then snag the Bunch of Dirty Towels from the bar, along with three bottles of The Sauce. In the kitchen, grab the Loaf and Toaster from the counter and a pair of Mr. Fizzies from the refrigerator. Before you leave, go dance a jig near the jukebox. This does nothing, but it's good for the mental health. Exit and head down the hall until you reach a small atrium with three colorfully-lit doorways.
On the Bridge, snag the Duct Tape, admire the space view, then exit. Head down the hall until you enter a small atrium with three other doors. Go up the white stairs to the right. This hallway leads to a lavatory. Grab A Bunch of Dirty Towels from both sinks. Head into the stall and do your duty. Your stall activities will cause the pipes to rupture and the Hand Dryer to ... Далее >>