Now, climb the stairs behind you. When you are on top of the amphitheatre, go to your left. You will come out directly on the arena. Go all the way across it and return to the gladiators▓ passageway, which is also closed off by a portcullis of wooden bars. Click on that ⌠portcullis■ and, using the icon you have just acquired, click on Pyramus. Once Pyramus has destroyed the bars, go into the passageway and turn to your right. Go up to Fructus but do not click on him. Select the dagger from your inventory and≈then only≈click on Fructus▓ bonds to free him. When you have done that, move quickly to the exit (the one by which you came), then calmly go back across the amphitheatre. When you reach the other end, turn left to go back up to the top part of the building. Take the stairs to your right (the ones that are under the Vesuvius. You can get back to the esplanade without being seen by the slave.
Next, return to the tavern of Dionysus and greet him. In the back room, find Pyramus, who suggests a game of Tali. Place your bet to start the game, or leave the room again (once the game begins, you can stop it at any ... Далее >>