(see below). To obtain this powder, you have to go to the bakery of Sotericus, in Via Abundance (consult your map). In the bakery, greet Sotericus, then go into the grinding room. Turn right, and look to your right. Find the donkey▓s molar lying on the ground. After that, go to the rear of the room, next to the grindstone to which the donkey is attached. Slip the molar into the upper part of the grindstone and get the donkey moving. As he turns, he will grind the molar into fine powder that you can collect beneath the grindstone, in a small piece of cloth.
A drop of blood from an animal sacrificed to Apollo Go to the Temple of Apollo, in the Forum. Speak to the passer-by standing in front of the sanctuary door, then go inside. You will find Apollo, the Priest, at the end of the colonnade, to your left. He has just finished his church service. Ask him for the items. Then go onto the lawn, near the altar. Left of the altar, a cursor will show you that there is something on the ground for you to examine. It is a bloodstain. Select a glass tube from your inventory and use it to recover a drop of blood. ... Далее >>