Cheat Mode (v1.06+ required) The cheat ability can be turned on by holding down [CTRL] and typing G A B B I when in the tactical game screen. Beware; if you use these keys, you have the potential to create havoc! For example, if you were to teleport a character to a non-valid location it could cause problems, etc.
Once cheat mode is turned on, you can use:
(Tactical Screen)
Cheat Code Result [ALT] + T Teleport selected character to cursor location [ALT] + D Refresh APs of selected character [CTRL] + U Refresh all characters' health and energy (heals them) [ALT] + E Make all characters (enemies and NPCs) and items visible [ALT] + ENTER Aborts enemies turn [ALT] + O Kill all enemies in current sector [ALT] + R Reload selected character's gun [CTRL] + H Hurt character under cursor location
(Map Screen)
Cheat Code Result [ALT] + AUTO RESOLVE Kill all enemies in sector (without having to load sector and use ALT + O) [CTRL] + T In travel mode, teleport squad to sector under cursor ... Далее >>