
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Ark of Time
Тип документа : Cheats Всего страниц : 15 Текущая : 12

Go to pier, sailor should be back. Talk to him. After he tells you story, ask him to take you out to ocean again.


At bottom of ocean, go screen right to gate. Use dolphin disk in portal lock Enter (automatic)

See broken control panel near door. Try to open door -- dialog with occupant.

Open drawers in large file cabinet. Then use file cabinet to climb to pipes. Walk to air vent on right, and use your press pass on vent.
Return to door and talk to Helen.

Go down hall on screen left to elevator room. Read journal near skeleton. Use button to go down. Notice 3 locked doors to screen
right, with colored disks above each. Also notice canister mechanism to screen left. Take elevator up and up again -- to prison room.
(automatic scene) He should give you key to filing cabinet that holds instruction to canister mechanism on lower floor.

Ask prof how to free him ..you should hear about "they have key" and "need something to knock them out from far away." Go to air
vent and Use it, to overhear their conversation.

Return to Helen. Use key (from prof) to open drawer in small cabinet to get instructions. Look at them. The white one is the general
instructions and each color is the code for that colored/disk door. Return to mechanism on lower floor.


Buttons under canister send contents of above canister to the canister of that (button's ) color.

Red: White fills Red canister (only when all are empty) with 8 units

Green sends liquid to Green (up to 5 units)

Blue sends liquid to Blue (up to 3 units)
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