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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Ark of Time
Тип документа : Cheats Всего страниц : 15 Текущая : 14

to red. send blue to green. send red to blue send blue to green, send green to blue. empty blue. send red to blue. empty blue . send
red to blue.

Go to room. see pumps schematic and notice pipe with rubber valve. This pipe is liquid chlorine. Use empty syringe with rubber valve
to get syringe full of chlorine.


Return to professor and show him chlorine, syringe, bottle of alcohol, lime bottle and distilled water. He tells you that you have
makings of chloroform. Instructions:

Put water, lime and chlorine in beaker and boil. (you get salts of lime chloride)

Dissolve these salts in alcohol.


Use water, lime and chlorine with beaker. Use thermal device. Look at beaker. This is lime chloride. Use empty jar with beaker valve.
Use valve. Use alcohol with jar of lime chloride. You now should have jar of chloroform.


Go back to professor and talk to him. Use jar of chloroform with air vent outside the control room (automatic) Use door lever and
then enter room. Take small key on wall on right. Return to prof and use key on handcuffs. (automatic) Go back into control room
and open small doors on each side of control desk. Take small weight from door on left to disable gyroscope.


Go to decompression chamber and discover the lever dilemma.

... Далее >>

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