================ 10.0 AMMO CRATES ================
You can tell an ammo crate by its distinctive green color and rectangular shape. These crates hold ammunition of various types, and will explode if shot. However, if you use your pipe or crowbar on them, they will break apart to reveal their contents.
================= 11.0 PAWN-O-MATIC =================
This is where you can buy various items that you'll need during the game. In Kingpin you typically won't find weapons, ammo or health just lying around on the ground waiting to be picked up. You will uncover caches of these items at various points in the game, but they will usually be heavily guarded. So, one safe way to increase your arsenal is by visiting the Pawn-O-Matic.
Once inside the Pawn-O-Matic you will not be able to use any weapons; you will deal directly with the shopkeeper through the Pawn-O-Matic interface. The box on the left contains ... Далее >>