When you in the route screen have opened a new route and set the ticket prices,
you can enter this function too see if your decisions are profitable. If the
balance in the little box is positive, the route is giving a profit.
If the balance is negative you might consider changing the ticket prices or
removing the plane from the route.
The chart on the monitor displays the income, expenses and balance for all the
routes in the company. The income is represented by a green line, the expenses
by a red line and the balance by a yellow line.
When the yellow line is below 0 your routes are all together giving a loss, and
when the yellow line is above 0 the routes a giving a profit. The chart is
updated the 1. of every month.
The letters in the bottom refers to the months of a year, January, February,
March, etc.
Employees: The employees screen gives you an overview of how well your
employees are paid compared to the avarage of the line of business.
The red line represents the salary expenses and the yellow line represents the
avarage salary expenses for all four companies in the game. In the little box
you can see the monthly expenses and the monthly average represents by numbers.
If your salaries are too far below the average, your employees will start giving
you problems. They will arrange employee meetings and maybe even strike.
A pop-up will tell you about the employee meeting, and if you do not take action
within a certain time, another pop-up will tell you that your employees have
declared a strike. A strike amongst the employees will in a very short time be
able to give you financial problems, but you will be able to do something about
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