100% IBM compatible PC (80286 or higher preferable)
Microsoft compatible mouse.
MS-DOS 5.0 or later
VGA graphics
600kb of free base memory
3. Loading and installing the game
The game can be run from diskette or installed on a harddisk.
To run the game from the diskette, simply access the specific disk drive where
your original Airlines diskette is located and type AIRLINES.
If you wish to install the game on a harddisk, access the disk drive where your
original Airlines diskette is located and type Install and follow the instruc-
tions. The program will then be installed on your harddisk, and to start the
game type AIRLINES.
4. Controls
In the game all selections are made by activating a number of icons. For that
purpose a mouse is needed. To make a selection simply click on the desired icon
with the left mouse button. The right mouse button has no effect in the game.
If you wish to enter some text in a text-field, you will have to activate the
field by clicking on it.
5. Player selection.
In the start of the game the number of players will have to be selected. The
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