plates in each corner. This opens a door to the north that leads to the
captain's quarters. On the way watch out for the rolling rock. There are
alcoves you can jump in to let the rock pass. The captain's quarters is in a
hidden area. You can only reach it by stepping on the pressure plate in the
center of the room. A wall to the north opens. Go into the south room, pull
the wall switch. Do the same to the north room and a west wall will start to
open and close. Enter and find a suit of shell armor and some other stuff.
The suit is the best one so far. It looks goofy, though. Go back and talk to
the demon, give him the hearts. Now that you've accomplished that and found
out what you need to do in the game, go back into the sea maze. The north
west corner of the sea maze is the exit leading to the underground city.
That's the best way to go. THE UNDERGROUND CITY Quest Items: Heartstone, Sun
Disc, Trumpet of Earthen Quake This place is pretty creepy. If you came out
of the sea onto the land pier you will enter the city from the East. If you
go in from the Gryphon Keep side you will enter South. At the South entranc
is an NPC who will tell you the story of the city. It is haunted by some
horrible monsters. The Blood Spawn are especially tough. There are two other
exits to this place. North is the Exit to the Elder Tree. West takes you to
the Barrier. If you enter from the East follow the outer wall south until
you get to the south entrance. This is a good starting point. Talk to the
weird looking man. Following along the outer walls is usually safe. No
monsters are around there unless they chase you there. The only threat are
Iron fist spells which fly along a set path. These are easy to avoid. You
can use a reflecting pool spell to deflect them anyway. There are two levels
to this place. A huge main level with lots of buildings to explore and a
small mine level where you will find the heartstone needed for your quest.
Worry about the mine later. Save it for last. Throw away the Sea Conch if
you want to. It's no longer needed. Since most of this dungeon is pretty cut
and dry I will only describe the tricky parts. The main thing to remember is
look for illusory walls, all picks stuck in walls are switches and be
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