the stairs and continue forward. Enter the elevator at the top-right of the screen. Continue forward through the shaft to the other end. Pull the elevator lever there on the right. After the explosion, go back and climb outside through the ventilation duct. Inspect the box on the left and pick up the *dynamite*. Go to the front of the train and talk to Oscar, then go inside the train. Go out and use the dynamite on the giant.
F. "Aralbad revisited" _______________
Get off the train and go up to the winding machine at the front of the train. Use the wheel, then the lever to wind the train springs. Ask Oscar about "Mission". Follow Felix into the hotel. Go to the front desk and inspect the box sitting next to the television. Pick up the *mammoth automaton*. Go to the bar and talk to Helena. Go out onto the pier. Talk to Hans. Game over.
III. Misc. ========================
If you find any corrections that need to be made in this FAQ, please email me at tremoir@rocketmail.com. I will gladly credit you in the FAQ.
FAQ's written by me: -------------------------
Myst III: Exile Mystery Of The Nautilus, The Syberia ... Далее >>