about "Sauvignon".
Then go ask the stationmaster about "Sauvignon" and he will unlock the door to the garden. Go left across the bridge over the train tracks. Continue left down the path to the garden. Outside, follow the road to the end where you can pick some *Sauvignon grapes*. Back at the bridge, go right instead of crossing the tracks. Use the Sauvignon grapes on the birds at the base of the ladder. Now you can climb to the top of the ladder. Inspect the eggs on the back of the mechanical bird. Use the test tube holder to grab the *Cuckoo's egg*. Go back down to the bridge by the front of the train station. The stationmaster will give you a *wine bottle*.
Go to the bandstand in the university courtyard. Walk behind it to find a door. Put the cuckoo's egg on the right side of the balancing scale, then turn the wheel to open the door. Go inside and climb down the ladder. Start the bandstand by pulling the lever on the floor to the right. Return to the rectors and ask them about "Money" to receive a bag of *money*.
Give this money to the barge captain and he will give you a *lock key*. Back inside the train station, walk left past the bridge to the lock control booth. Inspect the glass panel on the booth and use the lock key to open it. Press #, 4, 2, and then * to lower the water level and open the lock gates. Go back and ask the barge captain about "Locks". He will move his barge into the lock. Now press #, 4, 1, and then * to raise the water level and let the barge through the lock. Go around to the front of the train and ask the barge captain for "Help". Attach the hook to the end of the chain he throws. Follow them down to the winding machine and you receive a call from Professor Pons. He is about to begin his lecture, so head back to the university.
Inside the university, go forward towards the mammoth skeleton and up the ... Далее >>