Then click on the cigar box on the top shelf on the left side and
put the "Winston Churchill" cigar from your inventory in the empty
space. It will open the Quay d'Orsai drawer in the lower side:
explore the folder that you'll find inside...
Also take the stirrers by the cigar box on the left side and
use the "Coska" stirrer to open the Torn curtain drawer (2nd one
starting from the bottom). Explore the folder.
To open the Foreign correspondent drawer look at the family tree
on the top of the shelves and click on the rectangle on this
drawing, then use the stamp ( from Robert's office) on the left of
the stamp.
The drawer opens: take the Thornhill video tape, have a look at
the 2 folders that you'll have inside . Exit the room and you will
get directly to Alicia's room.
Alicia`s bedroom:
Go near Alicia. After the initial dialog select the sound machine
from the inventory and play the third white button starting from
the left: first set level one, then click on the level level two
(the button levels are set in the round big shape button: first
level on the top last level at the bottom).
Follow the dialog. Once it will end you'll have a plug connected
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