We▓re just doing our usual painting, when this gorgeous young woman strands on
our front step. So what do we do about that?
After some┘ ehm, enjoying of the view we get control over the mouth┘and eyes, and
invite her in.
Seems like she has a need for us, so If you feel like a gentleman, you take the
assignment right now and get started. Else you have to call her and meet her at a
restaurant (Yeah, yeah might be an excuse for getting another look at her, but we
got a game to play and a mystery to solve, so get your act together!)
Right, the girl▓s sister and her husband has been brutally killed, and she wants
us to find the killer.
First you do when you get control is getting the sketchbook on the kitchen
counter (At least that is what I think it is) and the camera in the closet.
Leave for the Orphee Hotel.
Talk to the receptionist Petit. Depending on your response here, Petit will
either be cooperative and talk about what happened at the hotel that night┘.or he
tells you to bug off. Telling him you▓re a P.I seems to leave him less
cooperative, so try using something else.
After you▓re done, turn around, go into the bar and talk to the bartender. Also
buy a bottle of Red from him
Go back into the main hall and take the Paper on the bench. If you want you can
also pick up the phone on the desk and send a telegram to learn more about Ms.
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