We▓re back at the studio, and Berenice is on her way home (Sure, we had to threat
ourselves something for losing Hellouin and fall that badly on the ground)
When dressed, get back to the Alambic and talk to Hulot behind the bar.
Ask for help in unlocking a door and he▓ll give you two paintings he wants you to
look at. Exhaust all topics with Hulot and take a look at the paintings he just
gave you.
Now this is a typical ⌠Find 5 errors■ type of Puzzle. One picture has 5 mistakes
compared to the original. Switch Paintings by using the button below the
painting. The errors are: On the fake one there▓s no man in the coffin as there
is in the original, just an empty coffin. On the original, a man is about to get
slayed in the top right corner. On the fake, the man is not there. A little below
that, two bowls are missing from the roof of a little house/hut or whatever. Just
left of the Three/Stub a bit above the mentioned roof a Pole is missing. Last
error is a missing cross in the middle shield in the bottom right corner.
That should be all, after completed correctly, talk to Hulot and tell him you▓re
done. He▓ll give you a set of lock picking tools as reward.
Head to the police station and tell the officer you have a portrait of the
killer, and he▓ll soon enough show you the way to Inspector Lebrun.
Go in the first door to the left (Quite easy to find, it says Lebrun) and talk to
the good inspector. He should tell you where Hellouin lives among other things.
When done, just head on to Hellouins office which should have opened up on your
The office is the second door in the hallway, we are going to break in and have a
look, so examine the door handle and get your lock picking tools. Now, the trick
to doing this is following a very easy concept. Put four of your total five tools
in each part of the lock. (Top left, top right, middle and bottom) Try turning
the handle and look closely at the tools. If they are rattling like crazy in the
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