table for some real Scottish recipes, in case you're into cooking.
An interesting one is "Mum's Cake," a real recipe from Graeme's mother.
When you're done with that, exit the book, exit the table closeup, and
hitch to the exit. Turn left. Note the cabinet. Remember that
secret panel in the drawing room? Move the cursor over the cabinet.
You get the "nope, can't go there" cursor, but click it anyway...hey,
the passage to the drawing room...great! Hitch to the door, go
through, turn left, go forward, click on the door. Another riddle.
This one's a little different. To solve it, first click on the
appropriate letter in the alphabet above, then click on the letter of
the encrypted word you see in the middle you want to replace with the
letter you just clicked from the alphabet at the top. In other words,
the encrypted word is "FPBGYNAQ" The DECRYPTED word is "SCOTLAND."
To decode this, first click on "S" in the alphabet, then on the "F"
in the "FPBGYNAQ." Repeat this procedure with the other letters until
SCOTLAND is spelled. Then go on into the Library to find out about
Captain Hugh MacPhiles, whose legs apparently got blown off by
accident. Joy.
3.> Okay, after the cut-scene, go forward, right, forward, right,
forward. Sweep the cursor over the table on the left. When you get
the throbbing brain, click. In this one, you have to guide the ship
to the safe harbor. The rules: you must always go from one shade of
blue to the other (light to dark, dark to light, etc) and you can
only move in the direction the waves on the square you're currently
on are flowing. Confused? Well, try this anyway. If the board is
set up like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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