5. After you have destroy the enemy submarine. Wait for a
while, you will then arrived at Portugal.
6. When erratic ping are heard, activate active sonar once
and then deactivate it.
7. Read the instruction given carefully. Press shift-F7 the
see the coontz. It is marked as a cross on the screen.
8. Move toward the cross. A course of 45 is fine.
9. When you are under the cross. You will be given a score
for your navigation.
10. When you are under the coontz. It will start to move.
You will need to keep your submarine beside it so that
it will covered you.
11. Use left and right arrow key to control the course you
are heading. Speed up or slow down depending on your
position from the coontz.
12. The coontz will move approximately in this manner :
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