Kiss until ... you know what.
5. After everything is over. Stand up. Pick up note. Open door.
Walk around the beach just outside house. When you walk pass
the earring, it will sparkle. Get earring. Look earring.
Open earring. Look inside earring. Get film.
6. Walk left until you find two huts. Walk to the top, the left
to reach the next scene. You will find hut #6 there. Open
door. Open closet. Look. Look at shirt. Look inside pocket.
Get black book. Look book. Note down the phone no. Walk to
nightstand. Open drawer. Get card. Get change.
7. Go back to hotel. At the entrance, look stand. Deposit change
to buy the Times magazine. Open door to get inside hotel.
Talk to girl. Get message from the girl. Read message.
8. Go back to your hut. Use phone. Dial the Captain Braxton
number. Talk. Use phone. Dial the Nosinkhy Dinghy phone
number. Talk.
9. Walk right to the game starting location. You will see a
dinghy there.
Talk to man. Sit back and watch the cut screen.
At Airport
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