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Игра: Conquests of the Longbow - The Legend of Robin Hood
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 6 Текущая : 1

Day 1

From outlaws camp, walk 4W to hill overlooking Watling Street.
Talk to Little John. Wait here until you see a man chasing a
woman. Go down and stop them. Shoot the man and save the

The night, you'll have a dream and get a emerald heart.

Day 2

From Widow's place, walk 2S, 1W. Marian is being attacked here.
Shoot the monk and save Marian. She'll give you a slipper.

Day 3

Go to overlook. Wait till beggar appears. Stop him and give
him some money and take his clothes.

Go to town (in beggar disguise). Go to see the clobber. Give
slipper to him. He'll give you a silver comb.

Day 4

Go to Willow and talk to Marian. Give silver comb to her. Show
emerald heart to her.

Go to overlook. Shoot the guard and save the man.

Day 5
... Далее >>

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