Knight (aka Sir Roderick).
Ring of Humility - Level 5, room in NW quadrant with levers. Throw levers in
following order: NW SE NE SW. Stay away from the center of
the room when doing this. After last lever is thrown, ring
will be on the central pedastal. This is told by Derek on
level 4 after you give him the Gem-cutter you got from
Goldthirst on level 2 after you slew the Gazer in the mine.
Shield of Valor - Level 6, after defeating the Golem
Wine of Compassion - Level 6, in checkerboard room with 2 headlesses (NW quad-
rant of level 6, off room with dozens of worms). Wine is
hidden under a floor tile in the (SE ??) corner. Try to
"pick up" or "use" the tile. Told by dr. Owl on level 6
after freeing his servant Murgo from the lizardmen on level
Book of Honesty - Level 6, is in the key behind the hourglass. There is an
hour-glass shaped room (NW quadrant of level 6) with a
secret door at the end of it. Go through the door and jump
across the chasm to get to a key-shaped room. Told by
Morlock on level 6 after you deliver the book from Bronus
on level 6.
Key of Love - Level 5, from Judy after giving her the Picture of Tom
Key of Truth - Level 6, after chanting "fanlo" at a shrine. Found in the
title of a book in the Library on Level 6, after talking to
Illomo (level 6) after finding Gurstang (level 7) after
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