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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 21 Текущая : 3

* Get book from Bronus to deliver to Morlock
* Talk to Morlock about Book of Honesty (after completing above errand)
* Defeat Golem to obtain the Shield of Valor
* Talk to Fyrgen and Louvnon to get some clues to the six-letter mantra
* Talk to Illomo (both BEFORE and AFTER you find his friend Gurstang below)
% Talk to Gralwart about getting a "Vas" runestone
% Get the "Book of Runes" for Ranthru

Level 7
* Talk to Naruto about a key
* Free the prisoners
* Go down to level 8 (three places): Pick up a piece of Orb Rock in one of them
Get the Crown from the Imp in another
* Use the crown to master the maze and defeat Tyball, then free Arial
* Return to the prison and: get the Picture of Tom from Bolinard
get the Key from Smonden
talk to Gurstang (tell him Illomo sent you)
* Use the Key on the door in the extreme NW corner. Proceed upward to get the
Key of Courage.
% Destroy Tyballs' orb by throwing the Orb Rock you collected at it.
% Raid the imps' treasury by killing the Golems. Make sure that you have a
few Health potions handy, as some of the items are cursed.
% Find the "Ring of Levitate" in the chasm of fire (real handy on level 8)
% Visit the tombs (lots of secret doors, some good stuff, but must have the
Crystal Splinter from Kallistan to get in)
% Go back to the prisons and kill all of the &^#$%! guards (just for revenge)

Level 8
... Далее >>

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