08|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#| and the fourth the WIZARD'S LOG and
09|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#| the SPIRE KEY.
10|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#|#| Search the west wall to open a
secret door behind which you will find the Stave of Moons <4h> which does
2d4 damage, +1 Bash and Sleep. Push the button on the North wall to gain
access to another room. In the southwest corner of this room you will find
still more treasure including a Ruby Talisman which can increase
Intelligence. On the north side of the room you will find laboratory
chemicals. Be sure your party is healthy before messing around with the
chemicals. You should not find it very difficult to cause an explosion. This
explosion will open the wall at 3e which leads back to the Wizard's Cave in
the Mountain Area.
In REVIEW mode, USE the WIZARD'S LOG. You will find that something is
locked up in the Spire. Move to the stairs at 9l on the CASTLE LEVEL 1 MAP
and stair up. On the next level you will find a gate which is opened by the
SPIRE KEY. Continue up to the top where you will find a door which can be
opened by the SPADE KEY. In this room you will meet a spirit who will tell
his tale of woe. At the end of this tale you will get the HORN OF SOULS.
Return to the CASTLE BASEMENT 2 and move to the end of the hall and place
the RUBY EYEBALLS in the door.
The door is now opened and passing through you will go down a set of
stairs and find yourself on the Castle Pier on the RIVER STYX.
The RIVER STYX is a huge area that wraps upon itself <that is: if you
travel to the northwest <or southeast> long enough you will eventually
return to where you begain>. This area is really much to large to map
conveniently in ascii form so I will give you a basic lay out instead:
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