02|#|#|#|#|#|#|#| _____ |#|#|#|#|#|#|#| D = stairs down
03|#|#|#|#|#|#|#| |F F| |#|#|#|#|#|#|#| d = door
04|#|#| |#|#| | 8 | |#|#| |#|#| , = door
05|#|#|D|#| |#|#|U|__ __|U|#|#| |#|D|#|#| g = gate
06|#|#|#|U . G______g______G U|#|#|#| G = unopenable gate
07|#|#|#| ___| | | __g | __|#|#|#|#| F = fountain
08|#|#|#| |$|,| |#|D| |D| |_d_|#|#|#|#| $ = treasure
09|#|#|#| |10 |__U|#| |g|___|,|,|#|#|#|#| ^ = button on wall
10|#|#|#| |d__d 9 |___^_d |#|#|#|#|
11|#|#|#| | |__d__| | 7 |#|#|#|#| The plot begins to thicken as you
12|#|#|#|G|___ . d |#|#|#|#| explore the rooms on Level 2. You
13|#|#|#| ___d_. __d__|__d__|#|#|#|#| will pick up some interesting
14|#|#|#| U#|D. | 5 | 6 |#|#|#|#| clues and treasure.
15|#|#|#| _d . |_____|$___d|#|#|#|#|
16|#|#|#|#|#| ___,___,|^|#|#|#|#| The door at 10e cannot be opened.
17|#|#|#|#|#|d|____d__| 3 | 4 |#|#|#|#|
18|#|#|#|#|#| 1 | 2 |__d__| |#|#|#|#|
19|#|#|#|#|#| $| d | |#|#|#|#|#|#|#|
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s
It is more difficult to open the doors on this level than it has been
on the previous levels. Trying will gain you skulduggery skill and is worth
the effort. If, however, you find it too frustrating, read the description
of Room #1 to learn where to find the CHROME KEYS which will open some of
the doors on this level.
ROOM 1: In the Southeast corner of this room you will find two SPADE
KEYS. If you need the CHROME KEYS, return to Level 1 and take the stairs at
9j up. These stairs will lead you up to a door. Use one of the SPADE KEYS
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