can't carry anything, either. And there doesn't seem to be any xp for
telling the scientist, either, just the dog.
Then go tell the guard at the forcefield on the west side that you
have business with Westin from Vault City. He'll let you in. You can
talk to Saltbeef about his Vault 13 story, but by now you know where
Vault 13 is already. Tell the guard at Westin's door that you have
business from Vault City. Talk to Westin, and you get 2000xp. He'll
give you anoter holodisk to relay to the First Citizen. Oh well...
Jump in the car and go to Vault City.
Vault City (yet again)
Not much to do here now. Go give the holodisc to Lynette for 1500xp.
She'll also send you to Amenities Office to collect your reward. It's
a H&K G11, same as the one on Frog Morton. By now you probably have
much better weaponry already, but you can always sell it for a few
bucks or for ammo. If you sell it, you may want to get the ammo out
of it first. About halfway through the Enclave, near the end of the
game, you'll find a pretty awesome minigun that runs on 4.7mm ammo.
While you're here, you can go see doctor Troy in the vault again. If
enough time has passed since you brought him the Jet sample, he'll
have discovered an antidote. You can take it to Redding to "Painless"
Doc Johnson for 2500xp (and the warm fuzzy feeling that you cured a
whole city of drugs, and now they're stuck with the ugly post-nuclear
reality :) Then come back here and tell McClure that Troy created an
antidote, and that you delivered it. That's worth another 2500xp.
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