him, and he did say he'll be the last test), he'll still be there in
his room after the fight.
Then you'll have to challenge Lo Pan to mortal kombat. About half way
through the fight, the sucker will "accidentally find" a .223 pistol.
Yes, it's that thingie that has 20-30 hp attacks. Normally by now
it'd be unimpressive, as weapons go, but remember that you're without
your armour now, and your fists don't do half as much damage as his
After you've killed Lo Pan, go talk again to the Dragon.
Go talk to the guard near the Brotherhood of Steel building, and he'll
ask you to bring him the vertibird plans from Navarro. He'll also
tell you a way to do it without fighting, if you want to. (Don't
leave your friends HERE, as he suggests, though. That would make
random encounters a bit more difficult. You can leave them in front
of the gates to Navarro base, anyway.)
Now go north. In the tanker you can check out the shops, then go
downstairs. Kill all the aliens. Remember Wannamingo mine? Same
thingies. Use burst mode heavily, e.g., from the Bozar. Kill the
other creatures, too. This big battle is worth a bit over 10K xp.
Talk to Suze, and watch her go up the stairs. (BTW, don't overdo
burst mode around Suze. You're trying to rescue her, not kill her :)
Then go upstairs, talk to her again, and talk to her boyfriend. Go in
the bar, go upstairs, and talk to the Captain. So now you need a
Tanker Fob, the NavCom parts you already have from Vault 13, and fuel
to move the tanker. In case that's unclear, you do not need to find
the IFF: the tanker already has one.
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