highlights or becomes a direction arrow. If it highlights, click on your
left mouse button and Adrienne will do whatever is necessary for that
action. If the item is necessary to progress in the game, it will appear
in one of your inventory boxes. If not, Adrienne will put it back down.
If your cursor becomes a direction arrow, click on your left mouse button
and Adrienne will move in that direction. If you are told to "examine"
"use" or *open* an item, simply run your cursor across it until it
Whenever you want to use an item in your inventory, click on the item to
remove it and it will become your cursor. When you are finished with the
item, you must return it to your inventory before proceeding.
If you are able to talk to a character in the game, your cursor will
highlight when you run it over that character and will remain highlighted
until that person runs out of things to say.
CHAPTER 1 (Sunday, October 16 - 9:00 a.m.)
Watch the opening video of Don and Adrienne. When you assume control of
the game, click cursor on floor and Adrienne will stand up. Click
cursor on kitchen cupboard against RIGHT wall and view open drawer.
Click on matches and Adrienne will take them. You will now see the book
of matches in one of your inventory windows. Walk NORTHWEST and Adrienne
will open the Pantry door. Turn on light just above Adrienne's head.
Examine rug to reveal trap door. Try to open trap door, without
success. Perhaps you can find something later that will help you to pry
the trap door open. Exit Pantry.
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