Follow Harriett into the kitchen and give tarot cards to her to see video
of tarot card reading.
Walk outside (using side door from Dining Room). Talk to Cyrus and see
video of him teasing the cat. Leave and look around and then return.
Talk to Cyrus again and then follow him. Walk EAST, NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST
and SOUTHEAST to find him. After he fells the tree and leaves, use the
tree to cross. Go EAST and take telescope lens case. Go EAST and enter
Greenhouse. Walk EAST and pick up large pot to discover Hortencia's
remains. Walk WEST and take trowel to see video of Hortencia's murder.
Adrienne will run out of Greenhouse and end up beside telescope. Use
telescope to learn that lens case is missing. Put lens case on telescope
and then use telescope to see window beside Tower Room.
Return to house and see strange truck parked in driveway. Enter house
through front door and talk to Mike, the phone installer.
Walk upstairs to Tower Room but, as Adrienne passes the Dark Room on her
way to the third floor, Don will come out and harrass her. Proceed to
Tower Room and discover a secret panel on LEFT. Use hammer on panel and
Adrienne will remove enough boards to reveal entrance. Enter Attic.
Examine pictures. Open trunk and take cameo. Pick up locket and then
diary, but Adrienne won't keep them. Examine contraption. Exit Attic.
Walk downstairs to main floor and watch video of Don confronting Mike,
ending Chapter 4.
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