time to time if you can't get another corporation. To fund your 1st RR
permanent trains. Also in order to lay a railhead.
Withholding should be done *very* infrequently. About the only times to do it
are to be able to buy a permanent train this time, or to keep a share price
down in the yellow/orange/brown. (ST)
2.6) Why do I always seem to have no trains and no money?
5 and higher are the permanent trains, all the others get obsolete at one time
or another. The scramble is always on to get the permanent trains. I like to
buy only one 4 so I can trade in for a Diesel. But always jockey yourself so
you can get those 5 trains. Float that second RR up to buy trains for the
first one.
2.7) How many players should I play with?
The number of players changes the game by an amazing amount. I usually play
with 3 opponents but I think I will try some of the other combos. It should
get tougher as you add more opponents. As you add the additional opponents,
your amount of starting cash dwindles and therefore makes it harder to float
a corporation.
2.8) Personalities of the Computer Players
I cant be sure if there actually is any difference in the programming for the
robber barons but this is what I have noticed:
Gould is a share thrasher, a good robber baron. I find that he will sometimes
not start up a railroad in the first stock round. I may have some prejudice
against him since he was a real robber baron in Railroad Tycoon.
Fisk usually does not win
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