1869 (1): Covers Transcontinental United States.+
1869 (2): Covers Transcontinental United States.+
1870: Covers Midwest United States and the Mississippi River Valley. +
1874: Covers Michigan-Wisconsin-Minnesota-Central Canada.+
1881: Covers Berlin's tramways.*
1899: Covers Korean Peninsula and China around the Yellow Sea.
2038: Covers the Solar System.+
+ Not yet Released * Out of Print @ Rumor of title only (DMR)
1825 England And Scotland
Designed by Francis Tresham - To be published by Hartland Trefoil
(UK)/Distributed in the US Mayfair.
A massive revision of the 1829 games. Will be released in three units and an
unspecified number of extension kits). The first unit will cover the southeast
the second will be the Midland, the third will cover Scotland. The three
boards are designed to be combined (unlike the two 1829 boards). Later "kits"
will add different trains, ship packets, new railways, more map, and, for the
first time, a fifth phase. (Not yet Available) (DMR)
1827 Continental US
Designed by Federico Vellani (Italy) - Privately published. (not yet available)
1827 will have a western and an eastern section, which may be played
separately or joined together. The planned publication date is January 1996.
1829 (North & South) England & Scotland
Designed by Francis Tresham - Southern Board published by Hartland Trefoil
(UK)* 1829 Northern Board - Designed by Francis Tresham - published by
Hartland Trefoil (UK)*
The original 18XX games. These games introduced all of the fundamentals of
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