UNIVBE50.ZIP (the Universal Vesa Driver). This works BETTER in a lot
of cases than some custom designed ones! In case you call Virgin's
BBS, they will have it up there (thanks to me :-)
If you have a S3 chip video card....well...you might be in trouble.
Some of the S3 chips aren't very good accelerators. They get some
pretty good winmarks, but for an overall speed rating...they're the
pits. Having local bus ought to bring you up to snuff, but I make no
promises :-) Read page 8 of this FAQ for more S3 chip info. P9000
cards ought to be fine providing VESA support is there.
Mega-thanks go out to Graeme Devine (co-author of T7G!) for sending me
a free Trilobyte t-shirt after reading this FAQ!
MEGA-KUDOS go to Alan De Smet for accepting the challenge to make a
decent T7G ASCII art cover page for me! All I can say is WoW!
Hey, now you can read this from a WWW site! Thanks to Dave [Rubicon]
<DJH@wcl.bham.ac.uk> you can get the newest T7G Technical FAQ at:
Search under miscellaneous game FAQs.
Kudos to Steve Hamm (hamm@ssdt-bluestein.sps.mot.com) for some info on
the Pro Audio Spectrum and more info on the patches. Thanks to Nicolas
Gauvin (nic@info.polymtl.ca) for updating me on the newest Universal
VESA driver. Thanks also go to Mike Olsson (renfield@cyberspace.com)
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